Elected Positions
President: Dick Orlando
Shall exercise general supervision of the club
Shall conduct general membership and Board of Director’s meetings
Shall appoint all committees and chairpersons as appropriate
Shall co-sign checks with the Treasurer
Shall act as the Bylaw chairperson in the absence of an appointed chairperson
Vice President: Neale Wade
Shall organize and promote club trips
Shall appoint a Trail Boss for each run
Shall act as President in the absence of the elected President
Delegate: Archie Overton
Shall attend 4 (four) North District meetings of the CA4WDC and the state convention, and present a report to the club on the meetings
Shall make the club membership aware of all proposed land closures and any legislation which would affect 4WD vehicles
Secretary: John Ruiz
Shall keep club records
Shall handle club correspondence
Shall record minutes at each meeting
Shall publish club newsletter
Treasurer: Ellen Layendecker
Shall co-sign checks with the President or Vice President
Shall handle all club finances
Shall prepare annual budget and monthly and annual financial statements
Membership: Dishaan Ahuja
Shall process membership applications
Shall keep club attendance/participation records
Shall maintain current roster mailing list
Shall provide current roster to Secretary for mailings
Shall update CA4WDC membership list annually
Shall respond to inquiries for information
Shall manage Esprit De Four (apparel, decals) items for sale
Non-Elected Positions
Esprit de Four Environmental Affairs: Ole & Sherry Stortroen
Safety Clinic Chairs: Magnus Akerblom & Andrew Spyker
Webmaster: Mike Glosecki & Victor Jorge
By Laws Chair: TBD for the 2023 elections
Email List: CJ Arnesen