Next Safety Clinic: May 17, 2025! Watch this space for Registration to open

Trip Rules

These are the rules we have found to be helpful on any club outing. They are simple rules, not intended to restrict your fun, but rather act as a reminder. If these, or similar rules are followed, it will increase your enjoyment of four-wheeling and camping, and will provide safety for your family.

  • Don’t be a “Litter Bug”. The rule is “What you carry in – you carry out”. Provide a sack or container for your own trash. Don’t expect someone else to take care of your trash for you. And, of course never throw away anything from a moving vehicle

  • Don’t be careless about matches. Be sure fires are put out completely

  • Firearms are not allowed to exposed in camp

  • Speed limit recommended within camp areas is 5 miles per hour

  • When traveling with other four wheel drive vehicles, always wait at the turn for the vehicle behind you. Keep the vehicle behind you in your sight. If you don’t see a vehicle behind you, stop. Radio the vehicle behind you or go back if necessary

  • Obey the trail boss as to the rules for each trip. Often you are in a national forest, state park or on private property, and it is the responsibility of your leader to keep the group from violating any privileges extended to them

  • Destruction of any plants, turf, etc., is certainly to be avoided

  • Park and forest regulations are laws and shall be obeyed. Drinking on the trail is not recommended. Rangers can hand out DUI the same as highway patrol officers and can be counted the same as if issued on the highway

  • If you leave the caravan or trip, please tell the trail boss or person in charge

  • Outdoor bathroom stops may be handled by “Men to the left, Women to the right”. Easy way to remember is women are always right

  • Overnight camping is a little different since you are together for longer periods of time, and are out of your vehicles. Courtesy towards your fellow campers should be maintained regarding noise (cars, motorbikes, musical instruments, voices, etc.); campfires (check with your group about location); animals (pets should be kept on leases or under control at all times); and children (keep track of your own – a lost child is a disaster!)

  • Non-club members should complete a waiver of liability, and give it to the trip leader. The form can be found here.

If you have any questions please ask your trail boss or another club member. Better to be safe than sorry. Have a good time!

Driving Trips

  • No off-road travel should be done without 2 or more vehicles

  • Vehicles driving on public roads should meet State Vehicle Codes

  • Vehicle should have an operating mechanical emergency brake

  • Children should not attempt to help a vehicle in distress unless supervised by an adult

  • Loose objects in vehicle should be secured in case of sudden stop or rollover

  • In absence of full cage roll bar, windshield should be removed or latched down when vehicle is in sand dune area

  • Member should be responsible for his/her guests at club functions

  • All persons should be kept safely away from vehicles engaged in hill climbs or when overcoming obstacles

  • When traveling with other vehicles, always wait at a turn for the vehicle behind you to come into site. If you do not see him/her stop and wait

  • Select proper gear when traveling down a steep slope-one that will let you to accelerate to pull the vehicle out of a skid of traction is lost and also enabling the utilization of engine compression on downgrades

  • Radio contact should be maintained between the front and rear rig of caravan if possible

  • Dry your brakes immediately after passing through water by applying breaks while driving until brakes are at normal braking capacity

  • Avoid traveling on side hills if possible

  • All passengers should be afforded the protection of a roll bar

  • ‘Cut-Outs’ are illegal

  • While on trail, enough room should be allowed for the vehicle in front of you to maneuver-no tailgating

  • Load limitations (GVW) specified by the manufacturer should be observed by all vehicles


Some wilderness areas have been used for Military Maneuvers and extreme caution should be exercised with respect to any unfamiliar objects lying exposed or partially exposed-many of these are un-exploded bombs and are extremely dangerous when touched!!!

Proper procedures in the event of finding one of these items are:

  • Do not touch or disturb item in any manner!

  • Mark the immediate area by means of a ribbon tied to a bush or stake

  • Notify the Highway Patrol or local Sheriff. They will notify the Military Ordnance Disposal Team

  • Remain in the general vicinity to guide the Ordnance Disposal Unit back to the site of the object(s) discovered

Equipment Checklist

Cal4Wheel Safety Checklist

The following is a short list of recommended equipment that should be carried in your vehicle while off-road. Always make sure that all equipment is securely fastened or tied down:

  • Roll Bar (or factory roll protection structure)

  • Emergency brake, parking brake, line-lock or other redundant braking system

  • Tow strap or rope (recommend rated at 2 times the vehicle weight)

  • First Aid Kit

  • Jack capable of lifting the vehicle & tools to change tire

  • Spare tire within 3 inches diameter of other tires, or, for tires 37" or larger, run-flats or tools to repair/reinflate tire

  • Fire extinguisher with gauge indicating good/full, appropriately stored

  • Seat belts for all vehicle occupants

  • Antennas must be rigid or restrained in a manner to prevent injuries

  • Adequate attachment points front and rear, i.e. tow hooks, receiver, etc. Tow balls are not permitted

  • Battery hold downs (no bungie cords)

  • Tool Kit

  • Shovel

  • Current plates and insurance

  • A CB, Ham or GMRS radio is highly recommended

 Remember, never 4-Wheel alone!