Hello 4x4 Enthusiasts
Let us be the first to welcome you to the wild world of the San Jose based Four Wheel Drive Club Esprit de Four!
Here in the Membership section you will find all of the information that you need on how to become a member of Esprit de Four.
The Esprit de Four club has been a San Jose based club since 1975, is a member of the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs, and lives under the code of ethics outlined by Tread Lightly.
Esprit de Four meets monthly to discuss many different topics related to the world of off-highway vehicle usage-from land use issues to responsible driving issues, legislative issues, community involvement, and statewide events. But we also have fun! We discuss the latest in vehicle gear and modifications, club “Adopt-a-Trail” reports, club trail runs, and of course the monthly “Cow Bell” & “Hero” award!
Esprit de Four is open to any individual or family that has a 4-wheel drive vehicle registered in their name. There are a few membership requirements, so read the club By Laws for further information.
Club membership requirements in a nutshell are:
Return the completed application form
1 day club trail run or event (trip report must be turned in)
2 overnight club trail runs (trip reports must be turned in)
3 club meetings (roster must be signed, voting in is at the 4th meeting)
Initiation dues: $36, ED4 annual dues: $30 per person or $50 per family, CA4WDC dues: $45
Please print out this application and bring it, filled out, to one of the Esprit de Four club meetings. The application can be turned in to the membership chair. [see the Club Officers page] Please review the membership information above and see Meeting Info for meeting details.
Printable sheet