Esprit de Four - General Meeting
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Location: Omega Family Restaurant, 90 Park Victoria Drive, Milpitas, CA
Chris Mains, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
50/50 Opportunity:
Volunteers-John and Shane Ruiz
Review and approval of last month's meeting minutes:
Motion -Jason Green and Second-Ava to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
Crankcase filler brought in Chis Masen (extra stuff from his garage). Picked up by Oli Stortroen with a $5 donation to the club.
Membership (Magnus Akerblom):
Question of the month-What historical figure would you like to have ride shotgun with you?
Anniversaries- Ole and Sherry Stortroen -27 years; Chris Mains -7 years; Rick Montez -5 years.
Club Merchandise
Corrected name tags have been re-done and are available from Magnus Akerblom.
Magnus put forward that the club needs to order new shirts for inventory: 5 Large, 5 Medium, 6 Xtra Large, and 2 XXL. These polos are $25 + Tax. The budget for shirts is $300. Magnus made a motion to increase the budget by $150, Peter Danforth seconded. Motion passed with 21 votes.
Club members will be able to order extra shirts from Magnus at the following prices: (all prices +tax) Polos $25, Hoodies $40, T-shirts $25. Magnus also demoed the new T-shirt. He will send an email to the club with details on ordering.
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
We have money in the bank! $11, 281.68 in the Bank, $318.92 in PayPal, $1204.60 in Special Events.
Reminder to get clinic receipts to Ellen for reimbursement.
$750 in the budget for post clinic donation to HHORA. Last donation was Sep ’16 for $1500. Motion to increase this clinics donation by $1250 (for a total of $2000) made by Jason Green, seconded by Rick Montez. Motion passed with 21 votes.
Some club members still owe their annual dues. Email will be sent by Ellen to those still owing if not paid by the end of tonight’s meeting. Technically there is a $10 surcharge if not paid by May 31, Ellen will collect the $10 surcharge from those that do not pay by the end of the meeting tonight. Can also pay online via PayPal.
Safety Clinic (Rick Montez and Denis Holler)
The clinic was on May 20.
We have 45 students, 38 vehicles with some walk-ins and some no shows. 36 club members along with 4 friends of the club attended.
Here’s what went Good with the safety clinic:
Online registration set up by Scott Brooks.
Ellen Layendecker and Peter Danforth good job with registration process.
Peter Danforth did a lot of stuff – Registration, Trail Lead, Check-in, and Debriefs.
The students like the meeting room at the park entrance.
Denny and Bill did a great job coming out to help.
Great food job by Greg Youree, Mike Cline is up for the Sep ’17 Clinic.
Mike Glosecki has developed a cult of personality in the student comments.
Student scores all 4 and 5’s (out of 5).
Here’s what went Bad with the safety clinic:
Flat tire for Rick.
Ole made the comment that we served dinner late and students might leave before dinner.
Mike Glosecki missed a turn, students never knew.
Need more chairs for the class room if using park entrance room.
Some students went back out & missed food.
We discussed how to get people to say for dinner. Our suggestions were: Camping is part of it; camping is free and has hot showers; come for the dinner and stay for the fire!
Sherry Stortroen received a letter from Christine Silverberg at Hollister asking how things went and thanking the club. Sherry responded.
Jason Green made suggestion to rope off area near park entrance class room to keep it quieter for the demos. Also, we should pick up bags of trash and take to dumpster.
Vice President (Mike Glosecki):
Event Calendar (see doc from Mike Glosecki in ED4 Google Group)
Past Runs-Molina Ghost Run; High Desert Round Up; Safety Clinic; High Round-up; Ultra4 MetalCloak Stampede, Hollister Newbie Run (June 10)
Future Runs-Hollister Newbie Run (June 14); Adopt-a-Trail
The Summer Campout has been cancelled, need to use the time for our Adopt-a-Trail.
The Adopt-a-Trail is now July 14-16. Sherry Stortroen will let Ranger know of date change. Dinner by Ed Lorenzen – head count at meeting was 15. Ed reminded everyone to commit to going so we don’t waste food by ordering extra. Mike Glosecki will put up an Online Survey for the Adopt-a-Trail.
Adopt-a-Trail conditions might be poor with lots of trees down; Jason green will check on renting a long bar (36”) chain saw. If we need to stay at Horse Gulch there is money in the budget for a Porta-Potty.
Sherry Stortoren brought the club a $250 foundation grant from Cal4Wheel for the Adopt-a-Trail. Should be used for food and water, receipts need to be brought to Sherry.
Vidas Mickevicius mentioned the he and Magnus will be heading up an Apple Valley Run at the end of Sep.
CA4WDA (Ron Frey):
Next district meeting is July 8.
Land Use(Ole and Sherry Stortroen):
Email from Amy Granat. Meeting set for June 17 from 2-4P at the Pine Tree Restaurant in Sonora to cover land use topics. Send any topics to Sherry so she can let them know.
Spicer Road is closed; Slick Rock is closed; Dusy-Ershim is closed.
President (Chris Mains):
New business-
Jason Green covered the FOREVERWAVE.COM flags. $25 online for the flag and $25 for the sleeve for a total of $50. The flag and sleeve zip together. We need 8 or more orders for the first run; then one-offs can be ordered. Flag will be on red background. Chris Mains will provide a digital ED4 logo to Jason.
Cowbell nominations-
Mike Glosecki for missing turn on trail at Safety Clinic; Peter Danforth for backing over trashcan in his jeep at Safety Clinic. Mike received 3 votes; Peter 10 votes; 8 people abstained. Peter is the Cowbell Winner for the month!
50/50 drawing-
Winner – Detlef Mews; pot was $94 with winner receiving $47. Detlef donated back to club.
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion-Chris Mains and Second-Mike Glosecki. The motion carried.
President Chris Mains adjourned the meeting at 8:23pm.
The next general meeting will be at Omega Family Restaurant, 90 S. Park Victoria Dr., Milpitas, CA at 7:00pm on Tuesday, July 11, 2017.