Esprit de Four - General Meeting
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Location: Omega Family Restaurant, 90 Park Victoria Drive, Milpitas, CA
Chris Mains, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
50/50 Opportunity:
Volunteers-Peter Danforth, Arline Abarr
Sherry Stortroen donated four Rubicon calendars to be raffled off also.
Review and approval of last month's meeting minutes:
Correction-Sherry and Ole Stortroen did not celebrate 27 years last month. It was only Sherry's 27th anniversary as Ole's anniversary is in a different month.
Motion-Andy Cardenas. Second-Bob Bragg, to approve minutes of the previous meeting. The motion carried.
Adopt-A-Trail is this coming weekend.
Rubicon Trail tragedy last month was a death that resulted from driving under the influence. A brief moment of silence was observed for those directly affected by this tragedy.
Some members have received their orders of the club flag from FOREVERWAVE.COM and can still be ordered online.
Membership (Magnus Akerblom):
Question of the month-Trail or event you'd like to attend that you hadn't previously?
Anniversaries- Christine & Kelly Swanson, 27 years.
Toni & Ed Lorenzen, 12 years.
Joe Kennedy, 2 years.
Magnus will continue taking club shirt orders for members who want to purchase them.
September Safety Clinic (Rick Montez & Dennis Holler):
Clinic will be on Saturday, September 16th.
Online registration to start some time after Adopt-A-Trail.
Volunteers needed for making goody bags.
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
Pay Pal-$123.45
Special Events-$1,204.60
Discount Tire coupons available on a first come first served basis.
Profit & Loss for May Safety Clinic-approximately $2,700, of which a portion will be donated back to HHORA(Hollister Hills Off-Road Association).
Donation to Sierra Trek was discussed. Suggestion to donate to both the general raffle and the kid raffle in the amount of $200 each, for a total of $400. Motion-Andy Cardenas and Second-Bob Bragg. Motion passed with 14 votes in favor. 1 vote opposed. 5 votes abstained.
Vice President (Mike Glosecki):
Event Calendar
Past Runs-Adopt-A-Trail pre-run on June 22-25; see club Facebook page for pictures.
Hollister newbie run on June 24; it was suggested that new trails be utilized. Also, the safety checklist should be reviewed with all participants and to enforce the $5 fine to club members who fail to have the items required.
Future Runs-Adopt-A-Trail on July 13-16; if able, please bring gloves, chainsaw, shovels, breaker bar, water or gatorade and sunscreen. Directions to the event are in Google Groups.
Sierra Trek on August 10-13; ED4 will co-lead the Outer Limits Trail. This event is open to all including prospective members and the cost is $65. Trail boss, Andy Cardenas can answer further questions and will send out an email.
High Sierra Poker Run on September 1-4; Trail boss is Magnus Akerblom.
Applegate Emigrant Trail on Sept 29-Oct 2; Co-Trail bosses Detleft Mews and Vidas Mickevicius. Watch for email on Google Groups for further information.
CA4WDA (Ron Frey):
Absent; see attached report from Fill-in Delegate Sherry Stortroen.
Land Use(Ole and Sherry Stortroen):
SB 249 is scheduled for a upcoming hearing and it is important that the OHV community contact legislators by phone or mail showing opposition to this bill.
President (Chris Mains):
New business- Dennis Holler and Chris Masten spoke of the importance of medical air flight coverage. Dennis has a $ 65 membership with AirMedCare and Chris has a membership with CALSTAR Air Medical Services. Please check links that have been posted for more information.
John Ruiz has some used TJ front flares, if interested contact him.
Cowbell nomination- None at this time.
50/50 drawing- Winner, Bill Hreha for $93 and half was donated back to the club.
Calendars were won by Chris Masten, Bill Hreha, John Ruiz, and Joanna Chen.
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion- Andy Cardenas. Second-Chris Masten. The motion carried.
President Chris Mains adjourned the meeting at 7:55pm.
The next general meeting will be at Omega Family Restaurant, 90 S. Park Victoria Dr., Milpitas, CA at 7:00pm on Tuesday, August 8, 2017.