Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
No 50-50 raffle at member meeting
Membership has the following for sale:
T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Clinic survey results were posted by Ellen. See email
Ellen now has electronic certificates to send to the students
If you know someone that wants to sign up for the clinic have them send an email to Ellen to get a spot early
Membership (Rick Montez):
Arline Abarr 4yrs
Magnus Akerblom 5yrs
Bob Bragg 9yrs
Andy Cardenas 9yrs
William Hreha 3yrs
Detlef & Ursula 5yrs
Vidas & Jessie Mickevicius 9yrs
Michael Phorn 21yrs
Greg Youree 8yrs
August question of the Month:
When was the first time you got stuck?
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
Note: If you have receipts from the clinic turn them in now
Clinic (Dennis and Rick):
A big thank you to Rick and Dennis for running the clinic for the past few years
Going to try and run tire placement right after the classroom. There will be 4 TP areas and all 4 groups will run it at once
When registration opens it will be almost sold out with hold overs. If someone wants to sign up they must do it right when reg. opens up
Instead of Kelly giving a speech at the end of the day, He will give it after the classroom
Have a soft ending to the day. Photo ops, ask how it went, any interest in joining the club. Formal goodbye
Fall Safety Clinic is only 1 & 1/2 months away
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
July 11th — Safety Clinic Pre-Run
July 18th - Safety Clinic - Rick, Dennis, Magnus
When all the extra hoops to jump thru it went very well. It looks like we will be able to streamline and improve the future clinics
Future Runs:
August 14-16th Looking Good - Shaver Lake area run - Kelly Radcliffe
August 30 - September 7th - Ouray, CO + Rim Rock Trail - Chris Masten
September 12th – Clinic prerun & train the trainers
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Dennis and Magnus
October 9th - Oktoberfest - Markleeville - Ed Lorenzen
October 26th – Death Valley See Vidas & Bruce for details
November - 45th Anniversary Event - Hollister - Ellen and Rick
December Toys for Tots - Joanna
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money
Check out the store https://cal4wheel.org/store Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale
Contest between clubs to sell the most. See https://cal4wheel.org/Shared_Content/Shop/StoreLayouts/win-a-jeep.aspx Put ED4 down to help club in contest
Next meeting is October 24th via Zoom
Land Use: Sherry & Ole
New Business: 50/50:
Cow Bell:
Richard O. for driving off the trail while leading a group during the safety clinic
Next BOD Meeting:
September 1st, 2020
Next General Meeting:
September 8th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.