Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Rigs and Coffee
Call for host for January - sign up: Rigs & Coffee
CJ has 1943 Willys MB axles for sale
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Which do you prefer when you are stuck…2wd and aggressive off-road tires or 4wd and street tires off your mom’s old Buick
Reminder to prospectives if you go on a club event, you need to complete a trip report
doesn’t have to be long; what you did, where you went, who you were with, etc.
email to Rick or send to club mailing list
December Anniversaries - Steve Bartolomei 22, Rye Livingston 1, Sarah Parker & Jason Pugh 8
January Anniversaries - Ole Stortroen 32, John & Hope Ruiz 25, Loro Paterson 15, Dennis Holler & Ava 15, Dick Orlando 6
Rick is going to update the club roster
will send an email to confirm contact information for membership list
will also ask if it’s ok to publish contact info to rest of the club
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker via CJ):
We have money!
Chainsaw safety equipment
May need to pay more for insurance
Ellen is working on the Budget for next year
Donations for Cal4Wheel Convention, based on suggestions from Ellen/precedent:
$250 for Cal4Wheel Tread Lightly! dues
Daryl motions, Rye seconds, vote passes
$500 for the Cal4Wheel general fund (budgeted)
Andrew motions, Magnus seconds, vote passes
$750 extra to either add to the general fund, or Legal Fund
Ole motions to add the $750 donation to the general fund, Dennis seconds, vote passes
Cal4Wheel membership renewals are starting to come
Handled online now directly with Cal4Wheel, please handle that on your own
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Future Runs
Floating the idea of having a fun run every month, lots of placeholders below for that
Jan 15: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: John Ruiz
Jan 25 - Feb 5th: King of the Hammers - Trail-boss: Jason G.
Feb 18 - 20: Cal4Wheel Convention Trail-boss: Dennis
Register online or find the form in In Gear magazine
Feb 25 - 27th: Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest - Trail-boss: Victor J.
Postponed from Jan 14-16
Feb ??: 4Wheel Parts Truck Fest - Trail-boss: Rick
No dates posted yet
Feb ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Feb ??: Walker Ridge Run - Trail-boss: Dennis
Mar ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Apr ??: Death Valley Overland - Trail-boss: Vidas and Bruce
Early April
Apr ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
May 21st: Spring Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
June 17- 19th: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-1] - Trail-boss:???
July 1 - 3rd: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-2] - Trail-boss:???
Sept 17th: Fall Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
If anyone wants to propose a fun run, please do so
If 3 club members show up, it counts as a club run for prospectives
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Ecologic is fighting the Oceano Dunes SVRA closure, they presented at Cal4Wheel meeting
State Parks keeps trying to close Oceano
Ecologic has lawsuit, has stay of execution
Friends of Oceano also had 2 wins in the court against state parks
San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control district was forcing State Parks to do dust control
Lawsuit said the Air Pollution Control district didn’t take comments from public on their plan, so it got thrown out
Friends of Oceano currently have lawsuit regarding prescriptive rights
Ecologic lawsuit trying to say commission cannot close park because it was created by another body - OHV division was created legislatively to manage SVRAs
Individuals who want to donate to Ecologic lawsuit can donate through Cal4Wheel Foundation
Foundation donations are tax deductible (donations to the Association are not)
CA4WDC Report:
Gary ? voted as associate delegate
Sherry Stortroen voted as individual/life member delegate
Debbie Stevens voted as new treasurer
Kitten Chapman voted as north district membership chairman
Voting for new president, 2 candidates (Bob ? and Josh Epstein)
At our next meeting, we need to advise Dennis, our delegate, how to vote
No bylaws to vote on
No one applied for Foundation scholarships
Old Business - CJ
4+ storage totes from Ed - need volunteers to store them
Stuff we use for clinic
Greg Y. volunteers to store them
Bylaws update - proposal for clean up
Board was in the process of updating the bylaws document with the addendum the club passed in December
Bylaws document is ill-formatted, want to do some cleanup - formatting and grammatical fixes
As a formality for visibility, want to publish cleaned up version as another proposal for amendment
Board will send email with cleaned up document for review next week, well in advance of the required minimum of 10 days before the vote
Vote next meeting
New Business - CJ
Adopt-a-Trail Backup date/plan
Proactively putting 2 dates on the calendar since we often seem to need 2 weekends
Election Chair
Vote for Board of Directors is in March
Want to talk about candidates in Feb.
Andrew volunteers
Gaia GPS club folder
CJ sent an email to the club
Attached a KML file, so you can download it even if you don’t use Gaia
5 folders in the KML file
Stuff CJ has collected and cleaned up over the years
Would like to add more, so if you have something to share, email CJ
For people who use Gaia, recommend NOT using the KML file and fill out the Google form so CJ can give you read access to the Gaia folder
This means you’ll always have the up to date folder
ED4 Hero:
Daryl nominates Magnus, Bruce, Sherry, Ellen for Clinic work
John T. nominates Greg Y. for taking the storage stuff
CJ nominates Ed for storing all the stuff for a long time
Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Feb. 1, 2022 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Feb. 8, 2022 at 7pm