Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
Rigs and Coffee in early Nov., Ellen will pick a date
At new Ace Hardware store near Homestead
1986 CJ for sale by CJ
Dana 25 and 23 from an MB for sale by CJ
Old Business:
Kelly celebrated 4 years last month, was accidentally missed
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month (for everyone this month): What navigation software would you recommend to a new 4 wheeler?
Anniversaries: CJ Arnesen 13yrs, Gary Shelgren 12yrs, Archie & Belinda 2 yrs, Scott Beley 2yrs
Special vote for Darrel and Kathy Kroeker
Long time club members in good standing a while ago, moved away and lost touch with the club, are interested in coming back
We don’t really have something in the bylaws for members coming back
Suggesting Friends of Esprit de Four because we can do that right now following the bylaws with a ⅔ vote
Friends of Esprit de Four does not have voting rights
Should we make amendment to bylaws for past members who want to return?
Many members have nice things to say about the Kroekers and would like to get them reinstated as full members
Kelly will put something together for amending the bylaws
Jason motions to vote the Kroekers in as Friends of Esprit de Four for now, Connie seconds
passes with many ayes (few abstensions)
We can consider them for full members later after the bylaws are amended, if desired
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Donation for HHORA
Jason motions $1500 donation for HHORA, seconded by Kelly R.
Ellen filed our taxes
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Turned out well, but we used every last person who was there
Planned for finishing by 4pm and we actually finished by 4pm
Reroute Red trail to not go through Sycamore?
Probably don’t need to put trail markers anymore - we have people who either know the trails by heart or can use software to follow the trails
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Sept 17-19 Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus (see above)
Oct 1-3 Oktoberfest - Area 5 Hollister - Kelly
Recovery practice, poker run, raffle, campout (videos)
Family fun, games, competition, stuck-a-thon, recovery classes, raffle
If you weren’t there, you missed out
10 people came out, everyone walked away with something from the raffle
Oct 2-8 - Trail Hero - Sand Hollow Utah - CJ
Technically not a club run because only 2 people went
Kind of like Pismo + Moab + sandpaper
Vehicles can do what you never thought they could do and vehicles won’t do what you thought they would do
Something for everyone, all levels of trails, many people there but it never feels crowded because everyone is spread out
Put it on your calendar for next year - trail signups start about 3 months out, full campground reservations start about 5 months in advance
Future Runs
Oct 16 - FUN RUN (Andrew S & Magnus) https://fb.me/e/5rvhg5N8c
8:30am at the Oak tree
About 15 people signed up
Oct 23 - Rigs and Halloween Show to Tracy, CA (Andrew S) https://fb.me/e/5zbe2lyeK
If there isn’t more interest in the next week, probably will cancel this as a club event so there isn’t confusion trying to meet up, so please respond on email chain or sign up on the Facebook event if you want to go
Oct 23 is also Cleanup day at Hollister Hills
Nov 12-14 - Panamint Valley (Dishaan)
Pismo Beach; Nov/Dec: ??? Great time of year; need Reserve America spot
Camping might be difficult, maybe a day run?
Dec 11 (tentative) - Holiday toy run / Jeep parade (Joanna)
Jan 14-16 - Winter Fun Fest (Cal4Wheel event)
Need to make reservations at campground ASAP if you want to camp, private work group is also camping there, so a lot of sites are already taken
Feb 18-20 - Cal4Wheel Convention in Visalia (Dennis)
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Still talking about closing it in 3 years
State parks
Reorganized a few years ago, OHV used to be a 7 park district, now put into various territories with the rest of the parks
21 million now being offered for Carnegie property, money supposed to go to OHV, but still have concerns that the money won’t be tracked
State Parks doesn’t seem to be doing enough for OHV
Properties will still belong to State Parks, but non-motorized
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
North district meeting on the 2nd
Raffle Jeep going to lots of events, tickets are $20 each this year
In preparation for Convention, asking for pictures/videos from trails that have been adopted
Yet to have a Natural Resource Consultant
Doing ok money-wise despite event cancellations
Membership seems to be down just a little
No bylaws changes proposed at the meeting
Also time for elections - 2 candidates for President
Sierra Trek made more money than 2 years ago
New Business:
Food truck or catering for clinic?
Volunteer to make some phone calls to get an idea what cost might be?
Andrew S. volunteers
Headcount - 80-90 meals historically
CJ would like to auction off 2 hours of Gaia training as a donation to the club
Bidding war between Connie and John T. ended at $95 and $100 respectively
CJ will do one session each for both Connie and John
ED4 Hero:
Ellen for clinic work
Sherry and Ole for behind the scenes work
Kelly R. and team for Oktoberfest recovery session
Jason, CJ, and Kelly S. for doing the last “50 years” of clinic classroom
Dishaan for coming to BOD meetings every month
John T. motions to adjourn the meeting, Greg O. seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Nov. 2, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Nov. 9, 2021 at 7pm