Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Daryl has 4 BFG KM2 33x12.5R15 tires for cheap
Neale found a can of white gas that he will not be using (for old stoves or lamps)
Old Business:
Kelly - changes to bylaws that we voted on a few meetings ago are in, will get it up on the website
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Before going out on a trail run, what do you always check on your rig?
Anniversaries: Connie Wilson - 12 years
Prospectives need to submit trip reports
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Preliminary budget has been emailed out
Need to keep a tight budget this year, donations will be down a little
Added item for renewing our domain names
Will vote on budget in May
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Have about 23 volunteers
Would like more volunteers, please respond to Bruce/Magnus’s email
People who arrive on Friday can help put up signage
Saturday morning will be parking/registration/inspection
Trail teams will primarily be the people doing inspection in the morning
Classroom - CJ & Jason
Saturday afternoon will need people on obstacles
Some cleanup after
Pre-run and train the trainers on May 1 - need to get there early
Bruce/Magnus will send out an email with details
Assignment sheet will be sent out this week
Our permit says we will be following the same covid protocols as the past 2 clinics
Club members and volunteers are allowed to camp Thurs/Fri/Sat night, students not yet
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
March 20th - Hollister Hills Fun Run - John, Kelly, etc
Future Runs
May 1st - Train the Trainers - Hollister
May 14-16th - Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
TBD dates for Adopt-a-trail (tentative June 11-12th?)
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
See notes below
Aug 12-15th - Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
September 17-19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
TBD Oktoberfest - Kelly
Summer Campout
Will send out google sheet with info and logistics
Google form being drafted for signup and attendee info
Please be aware that this will be the same weekend as the Death Ride (bicycle event), which will close some highways on Saturday
Will need to be on the Markleeville side of Hwy 89/4 before 5am on Saturday morning or arrive via Highway 88
Hotels will be booked up, check ASAP if not camping
Plenty of dry camping space at the upper level at the Carson River Resort (reserved for club), lower level RV spaces are already full
Road Closures, Day of Event:
5:00 am – 7:00 am: Road closed to traffic from the Markleeville Courthouse to the junction of Highways 89 & 4.
Monitor (Hwy 89), & Ebbetts Pass and the Pacific Grade to Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) will be closed to vehicular traffic starting at 5:00 am.
Monitor Pass (Hwy 89) reopens to vehicular traffic at 12:00 pm.
Ebbetts Pass/Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) reopens to vehicular traffic at 4:00 pm.
Highway 89 from Woodfords to the Markleeville Courthouse will remain open. Please adhere to posted speed zones and early morning parking crews.
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
Next meeting is April 22
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Bills to take away property at Carnegie in the works again
Judge ruled earlier in the year that the environmental impact report was not good :(
Parks got a new director, questioned about Oceano, no clear answer
OHV division absorbed into Parks, hard to track the money now
Peter Jones named as director of Prairie City
California State Parks Foundation - non government charity organization that supports state parks, don’t appear to support SVRAs even though SVRAs are part of State Parks
They currently have a photo contest
Ellen suggests everyone who has a photo of OHVs at Oceano post to the contest and say how great of a park it was and it’s now closed
New Business:
CJ kicking off a small committee to work on club’s online presence
See what we can do to be more relevant online
Already have a few people, let CJ know if you are also interested
Andrew, Dishaan, and David are in
Should the BOD meeting minutes be emailed out or just have a link?
Poll was very close
Executive decision was made to continue to send out BOD meeting minutes via email
Cow Bell:
Magnus nominated Ruiz family for cow bell for their Jeep falling off a jack at the Hollister fun run
The club voted to award them the cow bell
Hope/Shane nominated Kelly for taking the group up a muddy, slippery trail where the above happened
Motion to adjourn by Dick, Kelly seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm
Next BOD Meeting: May 4, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: May 11, 2021 at 7pm