Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Before the meeting ends, we need a new host for Rigs and Coffee August
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Prospective Question of the Month:
For the type of 4wheeling you do, which do you think is better, an automatic or stick shift?
Prospectives to vote on: Dishaan Ahuja and John Trollman voted in
Mike Phorn 22
Andy Cardenas 10
Vidas and Jessie Mickevicius 10
Greg Youree 8
Magnus Akerblom 6
Arline Abarr 5
Bill Hrea 4
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Do we want to make a donation for Sierra Trek?
Kelly R. makes a motion to donate a clinic spot (next May) for the raffle, Daryl and Greg second, motion passes
Jason Green motions to donate $200 cash for the raffle, Kelly seconds, motion passes
Dues: Ellen and/or Rick will reach out to people who haven’t paid, CJ will out them at the next meeting if they are still not paid
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Don’t know if we need Covid-19 signage, Magnus still has them if we need them
Will most likely require masks
Prerun - having problems with people not showing up, considering doing pre run and train the trainers on the Friday before clinic
Considering putting experienced people as trail leaders so we don’t need to put up trail markers, will save time in setting up and picking up
Sign up will go out in about a week
Mark your calendars, September 18 is the date
We have 5 places left depending on Hold-Overs
Kelly R. makes a motion to move the September General Meeting to Friday before clinic - Sept. 17
Concerns about people unable to show up early enough
Friday or Saturday? last clinic many more people were there Friday night
Concern that the meeting will not be accessible for people who don’t want or aren’t comfortable meeting in person?
Park has wifi so we can try a hybrid meeting
Probably most people who attend meetings show up to clinic anyway
Would like to do a raffle since we weren’t able to during Summer Campout, clinic is our remaining big event
Will see if we can sell raffle tickets online to people who can’t make it
Start at 7pm, plan for 1.5-2 hr meeting
Darrell seconds
Motion passes with 14 votes for, 0 against, and 4 abstentions
Our next General meeting will be on Sept. 17, 2021 at 7pm at Area 5 in Hollister Hills
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
Note from the Secretary: the Tamarack Fire near Markleeville grew at a rapid rate on the afternoon/evening of 7/16 prompting evacuation of the area that night
Surreal experience eating a hamburger while watching a 747 come over and drop fire retardant
Small puff of smoke around 3pm on the way back to camp became a huge dark plume of smoke after showering
No idea what was going on while on Deer Valley trail, driving toward it on the way out
Even when a sense of urgency hit, everyone stayed and helped to make sure everyone else was ready to go
8 rigs went over Ebbetts pass including trucks with trailers
Ham radios were incredibly important for communications
Takeaways from CJ
Should have had the satellite phone on while driving so someone at camp or elsewhere can reach the people on trail (and people should know the phone number). Phone was with the trail group so they could have called out in case of emergency, but it was not on so others were not able to call in to notify them about the fire emergency
More people should have mobile ham units instead of just handhelds for better range
Google form had all attendees’ name and phone number so someone could follow up and make sure everyone was ok and out of the area
Jason Green makes a motion to pay Ed for the money he’s out for food, amount is $250, Kelly R seconds, motion passes
Other than happenings out of our control, it was a great event
July 24th - Rigs & Coffee @8am - Bass Pro Shop - San Jose - Greg Youree
Aug 7-8 - 4WP Truckfest - San Mateo
not a lot of people in general
some people dropped by the booth and at least one person was invited to our meetings
Future Runs
Weekly - Saturday Night Cruise - Andrew S.
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Ellen will be working in the Bank with Sherry. Please visit.
Sept 4th - Adopt-a-Trail part deux - Dick/Kelly
Possibly Sept 5 as well
Finish up Mattley Ridge
Looking for additional chainsaw operators
Very generous anonymous donation of a brand new Stihl 32” bar chainsaw
Need at least 6 people
Sept 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Complete with club raffle and General meeting (see above)
Oct 4-8 - Trail Hero - CJ
Week long event in Sand Hollow, Utah
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Club chainsaw (donated)
Darrell and Jason Green make a motion to have club buy protective equipment (e.g. chaps, helmet, face shield, ear protection), a few gallons of fuel, a gallon of bar oil, and chain, not to exceed $500, Magnus seconds, vote passes
Ellen suggests Jason make a shopping wish list since he is one of our chainsaw experts
Ed mentions we should probably put something in the club’s budget for chainsaw operation and maintenance, noted for next budget cycle, the above motion is a one time spend to happen now
Should write up a Standard Operating Procedure - storage location, maintenance schedule, requirements for operating the chainsaw, etc.
Youtube channel
YouTube Channel created by Andrew S.
Trying to reach 100 subscribers so we can get a custom URL with our club name instead of a random string of letters, please subscribe if you haven’t already
Online presence group will discuss mode of operation for the channel
ED4 Hero:
Ed for not only organizing Summer Campout but making the difficult call to evacuate at the time he did
Ed’s wife for towing the trailer and helping him cook
Anonymous person for donating the chainsaw
CJ’s parents for welcoming people to their cabin and cooking for them
Everyone who wielded chainsaws for Adopt-a-Trail
Darrell volunteers Kelly R. to host a Rigs and Coffee, Kelly agrees and says it will probably be a weekday
Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Sept. 7, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Sept. 17, 2021 at 7pm at Area 5 in Hollister Hills