Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
Archie has an aftermarket front Dana 44 diff cover he no longer needs
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Prospectives Question of the Month:
If you’re leading a trip, where would it be? If you can’t think of a specific place, what kind of trip would it be?
Kelly & Christine Swanson - 31 years
Ed & Toni Lorenzen - 16 years
Bruce Wilford - 2 years
Alex Florea - 1 year
CJ did a Zoom poll to ask if people received the July General Meeting email
If you did not get the email (and it’s not in your spam folder), please email CJ to let him know
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget is here: Budget2021-2022.pdf
Summer Campout
We’ve collected $1120 for summer campout. Everyone who signed up has paid.
Ed has paid $1500 to the campground already
Originally calculated as $80 per family based on initial interest, but not everyone is actually going, so the amount is now short
Vote on using Party Funds to reimburse Ed
$750 budgeted for Party Fund, would be taking $380 out for reimbursing Ed
No one opposed, many approve, vote passes
Some people still owe dues to ED4
16 people who paid last year have not yet paid this year. List will be going to Rick to follow up
One person still owes dues to Cal4Wheel
Web hosting renewed
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Things went smoothly, no breakdowns
Do have a few things to discuss separately
Will schedule a separate meeting and/or solicit individual feedback
Central District Membership Chair Mike from Cal4Wheel visited and gave us compliments
Ellen: 2 lane drive through registration worked very well, might just continue to do this in the future
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
June 11-13th - Adopt-a-trail (HWY 4) - Jason & Sherry
34+ people from ED4 and Granite Bandits
Many downed trees, huge downed trees, lots of hard work
Dinner was awesome, nice to have food ready at the end of a hard day of work - thanks Ed and Mike Cline
Cleared ~150 trees, some well over 4’, some that the club didn’t get to that must have been 6’ across at the bottom, worked on roughly 14mi of trail, job is not done
100+mph winds earlier in the year was what brought down so many trees
At one point there were so many downed trees it was hard to see where the trail is
Corral Hollow cleared on Friday (Granite Bandits’ Adopt-a-Trail)
Mattley Loop cleared on Saturday
Mattley Ridge was attacked from 2 directions on Saturday and not fully cleared, some supporting trails also not clear
What to do if trees are too big? Will try to ask Forest Service for some resources
CJ will send a Doodle poll to see who is available during what upcoming weekends for another run to do more work
June 26th Rigs & Coffee @ 8am - Stan’s Donuts! - Darrell
Lots of people, including a few who weren’t club members, some who have done something with the club once in the past
Big line for donuts
Form to sign up to host a future Rigs & Coffee https://forms.gle/FQXFvEfxuJSbey8x9
Doesn’t have to be Saturday morning. Can be weekdays or evenings. Pick a time that works for you
Future Runs
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
Ed is bring a big TV for movies at night
No campfires allowed in campground because of fire danger
Deer Valley trail is open
There has been an earthquake in the area, many aftershocks, dwindling down now, but we won’t know what the trails will be like
Bring a chainsaw if you have one just in case
Highways closed on Saturday because of cycling event
Doing a raffle, bring raffle item similar to Christmas gift exchange items
If wanting to do Deer Valley run and don’t meet vehicle requirements, contact Kelly R. for exceptions. There might also be right seats available - ask Kelly or CJ
July 24th @ 8am - Rigs & Coffee - Bass Pro Shop - San Jose - Greg Y.
August 7-8 - 4WheelParts Jeep and Truck Fest - Rick
Kind of short notice, let Rick know if you’re interested in helping so we can get a booth set up there
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Some people are going
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Eliminating backing down a hill because it takes a long time and people had to leave early because it was running long
Ellen says getting rid of this might not be a good idea because it can be something intimidating for new drivers and a good thing to get some experience with
Valid point to discuss, but moving the discussion off this meeting to keep to the agenda
Still not having food this September
Prerun and train the trainers will be one date, date has not been picked yet
Printing for goodie bag ends up being 8 pages if printing in color, so Magnus would like some help. If printing in black and white is ok, he can get it done at a pretty good price
Add hi-lift and winch training at end of day? Any volunteers to do that?
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Sherry gave report with lots of pictures to Forest Service about Adopt-a-Trail, explained why we didn’t finish Matley Ridge
Big thanks to Sherry, she has to deal with some archaic processes for this
New Business:
Call for a team to identify moving meetings back to in person
Need a volunteer to lead this, otherwise we will keep meeting on zoom
Monthly? Quarterly? Special event only?
Dinner/no dinner?
All up for figuring out
Cow Bell:
John T nominates the person who ran out of gas, but the person is a guest
Darrell nominates Chris Mains for stealing the club’s whiskey
CJ dropped off 3 whiskeys with Jason and Chris Mains to hand around camp after Adopt-a-Trail. Chris put them in his trailer and took them with him when he left Saturday morning, so the club did not have whiskey at camp Saturday evening.
With a landslide vote, Chris gets the cowbell this month
ED4 Hero:
Chris Masten nominates Ole for his chainsaw work on the big trees at Adopt-a-Trail
CJ adds the other chainsaw operators Jason Green and Rodney
Daryl nominates Ed for all the work he did for Summer Campout and Adopt-a-Trail
Belinda nominates Sherry for all her work contacting the Forest Service
Ron Frey says he misses everyone. Wheeling is a bit different where he lives now. Wanted to hop on and say hello.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Aug 3, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Aug 10, 2021 at 7pm