Esprit de Four - General Meeting
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
Location: Omega Family Restaurant, 90 Park Victoria Drive, Milpitas, CA
Chris Mains, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
50/50 Opportunity:
Volunteers-Peter Danforth, Arline Abarr
Review and approval of last month's meeting minutes:
Motion -Jason Green and Second-Andy Cardenas to approve minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried.
Ham Radio License test sessions at Makers Faire-San Mateo Events Center, May 19-21. Kelly Radcliffe will email club members will details.
Membership (Magnus Akerblom):
Question of the month-Vanity plates, what would yours be?
Anniversaries-Jason Green-25 years; Mike and Tracy Glosecki-2 years
Club Merchandise-name tags have been re-done; Club shirts $22, Club sweatshirts $34 Sweatshirt with zipper $36.
May Safety Clinic (Rick Montez & Dennis Holler):
49 registered students. 39 vehicles. 10 double drivers. 73 dinners.
Pre-Run completed. Set-up of trails will be completed, Friday morning meet at Area 5 for club members. Of note some trees down and Old Oak course is in rough shape.
Peter Danforth will coordinate Ellen's registration responsibilities in lieu of her absense.
Club members may pay dues to Peter after clinic registration.
Potluck vs pizza for early bird club members.
Assignments for clinic have been emailed.
Final update will be emailed next week prior to clinic.
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Absent; deferred to next meeting.
Vice President (Mike Glosecki):
Event Calendar
Past Runs-Train the Trainers; Trail Pre-Run(8 rigs)
Future Runs-Cal4 Molina Ghost Run; Safety Clinic; Hi Desert Round-Up; Sierra Trek(Andy)
There may be a need to move Adopt-A-Trail to July 14-16 and move the Summer Campout farther out to July 27-30th due to snowpack.
Octoberfest needs a trail lead.
See Event Calendar from VP Bigmike at meeting.
CA4WDA (Ron Frey):
Deferred to next meeting.
Land Use(Ole and Sherry Stortroen):
SB-1 passed which will increase fuel and registration costs.
H.R. 1913 dirests BLM to re-open Clear Creek.
President (Chris Mains):
New business-
FOREVERWAVE.COM has interchangeable flag system for those interested email Jason Green.
Cowbell nomination-
None at this time.
50/50 drawing-
Winner-Dennis Holler for $40 (pot was $79) and he donated it back to the club!
Motion to Adjourn:
Motion-Jason Green and Second-Andy Cardenas. The motion carried.
President Chris Mains adjourned the meeting at 7:53pm.
The next general meeting will be at Omega Family Restaurant, 90 S. Park Victoria Dr., Milpitas, CA at 7:00pm on Tuesday, June 13, 2017.