Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Kelly R. has a hoist for a Jeep hardtop for sale for a 6 pack of beer
CJ has a stock 1986 CJ7 for sale
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month (for everyone this time):
When you pack for a trip where you have to camp, what is the 1 thing you can’t live without, or in other words what do you always bring with you?
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Some donations will be going out in the near future
$2000 for insurance to be paid in November
Sierra Trek raffle did very well
Tyler L. (of My Off Road Radio) won something we donated
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Mostly set up, could use a few more people
Final updates Sat morning
We have 4 groups, normally 4 activities. Since hill climb / backing down has been eliminated due to lack of volunteers, we will be splitting stairsteps and frame twister into 2 separate activities. Entire group will go together.
Tire placement in groups before everyone goes out
38 vehicles, 8 double drivers
CJ and Colin will have APRS
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Aug 7-8: 4WP Truckfest - San Mateo
Wasn’t as well attended as in the past
But someone from the event showed up to clinic and is interested in joining the club
Aug 12-15: Sierra Trek - Meadow Lake, CA.
Lots of people from ED4 went
Brutal, Thurs rain made rocks slick, winching until 11pm
Lots of carnage
Someone was airlifted out by a CHP chopper due to low blood pressure
Fun, partied, wonderful day on trail, food was wonderful, band was good
Showers were amazing
Raffle did very well, beat monetary intake of last few years
Seemed to be more incidents than usual
Tyler in contact with winch hills via ham radio was amazing technology
Could have been what saved the guy above’s life
Sept 4: Hollister Hills Fun Run - Trail Boss: Magnus
5 people
Short and sweet but a lot of fun
Sept 4: Stan’s Donuts and Rigs - Trail Boss: Colin
Same day as fun run by accident
Also about 5 people
Gary S. showed up to both
Future Runs
Sept 17-19: Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oct 1-3: Oktoberfest - Area 5 Hollister - Kelly
Got lucky Hollister Hills had a cancellation so we are able to get penciled in for Area 5
Area 5 is booked every weekend until Christmas
Raffle from summer campout
Recovery practice
Poker run
Price is negotiable because we have a good relationship with the park, not locked in yet (as of 9/17)
Do we need insurance? it’s a club activity, not charging for it, so we don’t need anything special
Fun run / newbie run as well? no, let’s keep that as a separate event
Oct 2-8: Trail Hero - Sand Hollow Utah - CJ
CJ, Jason, Chris are going, Colin will be in the area as well
Event promotes access for disabled veterans and special needs kids
100+ vendors
Oct 16: Fun run - Hollister Hills
Nov 12-14: Panamint Valley - Dishaan
Cal4Wheel event
Nov/Dec: Pismo Beach
Great time of year; need Reserve America spot
Dec 11 (tentative date): - Holiday toy run / Jeep parade - Joanna
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Long standing member who has been storing stuff for us is downsizing storage
Also donating 2 good EZups - need someone to store
Has food prep equipment
Cooking supplies, frying pans, paper plates, etc
5 big black Costco totes and a huge ice chest
Greg Y. can store next year after house remodel
Will have an email thread to find volunteers to spread things out and store things for now
Need to find homes for these things by November or so
ED4 Hero:
Magnus and Bruce for clinic
Ellen for all the behind the scenes (emails and treasury) for clinic
Tyler L. at Sierra Trek
Kelly volunteered
Collected $78
Andrew S. won
Motion to adjourn by Jason, Magnus seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Oct. 5, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Oct. 12, 2021 at 7pm