Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Greg Y. has a new addition to the family
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Sherry Stortroen - 31 years
Chris Mains - 11 years
Rick Montez - 9 years
Ryan Davis - 3 years
Prospective to vote on: Andrew Spyker
Voted in with many yes’s
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget is here: Budget2021-2022.pdf
Summer campout
$80 if you are camping with the club at Carson River Resort
Please pay through PayPal or mail check to Ellen
11 people have paid already
Club dues due by 6/30/2021
$30 for individuals, $50 for families
Please pay through PayPal or mail check to Ellen
Ellen will take cash in person if it’s in an envelope with your name on it
Still working on Safety Clinic profit and loss
Please send receipts by email to Ellen or let Ellen know
Need to vote
Safety Clinic has a budgeted donation of $750 to HHORA
Jason Green makes a motion to increase the donation to $1500. Magnus seconds
no one opposes
Ellen will write a check
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Things went smoothly, no breakdowns
Do have a few things to discuss separately
Will schedule a separate meeting and/or solicit individual feedback
Central District Membership Chair Mike from Cal4Wheel visited and gave us compliments
Ellen: 2 lane drive through registration worked very well, might just continue to do this in the future
Vice President (Victor Jorge [CJ sharing today]):
Past Runs
May 15th Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Many comments about how clinic went well and even club members learning new skills (i.e. how to get a driver’s attention while spotting)
A few potential areas of improvement were brought up
Friendly reminder by CJ that we have paying students camping before/after clinic and we should be professional even around the campfire
May 22nd - Rigs & Coffee Bass Pro San Jose parking lot - CJ
Good turnout - 11-13 rigs
Someone who attended clinic 10 years ago showed up
June 5th Fun Run at Hollister to invite students - Magnus
Future Runs
June 11-13th - Adopt-a-trail (HWY 4)
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/qCCHRWYLgEWSsTPC8
Quite a few trees down, will have a lot of work, have at least 3 chainsaws/chainsaw operators
Getting moving at 10am Friday, 8:30am Saturday - HAM 146.430
Ed is cooking dinner on Saturday night - pulled pork, cole slaw, beans, etc. might also be ice cream
Sherry got a $250 grant from Cal4Wheel to pay for dinner
June 26th Rigs & Coffee @8am - Stan’s Donuts!
Another social hangout in the parking lot
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/fP8tCv8LGHtGFtpy7
This is a much more detailed signup including runs, dinner, etc.
Check the difficulty ratings on the planned trail runs in the event agenda
Geocaching run
Use your GPS to find caches that people have hidden
A lot of the caches are down fire roads and might require a few hundred yards hike
A way of getting out and exploring an area
Please check and book your housing for that weekend ASAP if you are NOT planning to camp in the ED4 group camping area. It will be a busy weekend in the area with a big bike event.
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Oceano still a hot topic
Cal4Wheel is working on getting Resource Consultant position filled
Carnegie bills are still working their way through committees
New Business:
Rigs and Coffee
Anyone can host one - just pick a date, time, and place
Can be anywhere in the bay area
Would like to have at least one a month
Counts as a club run
Sign up here to host one
CJ won’t end this meeting until someone signs up
Email discussion thread about a new meeting location and not being on zoom
Concept of hybrid meetings
Form a committee to plan meeting in person again
Please step up if you are passionate about this
Rick and CJ kicking off online presence tiger team
Adding other avenues to make our presence known online
Meeting June 16 at 6:30pm
More details to come in an email
Cow Bell:
Ole reports that a course worker was giving directions to a trail lead during clinic and was too trusting that the trail lead would follow directions, thus getting his foot run over
It was hard to vote on this given that the person was not named
ED4 Hero:
Rick nominates Magnus and Bruce for all the work they’ve done for clinic
CJ seconds
Ellen nominates Sherry for showing up at 0-dark:30 to help with clinic registration and doing all the work for paperwork
Magnus seconds
Not going to vote on this this time, everyone nominated deserves recognition
CJ shared a quick video of a recovery he helped with on his way out of Hollister Hills
Greg Y. volunteers to plan a Rigs and Coffee in July
Motion to adjourn the meeting by new member Andrew, Greg Y. seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm
Next BOD Meeting: July 6, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: July 13, 2021 at 7pm