Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Knowing what you know now about 4-wheeling, what advice would you give your younger self?
Archie & Belinda - 2 years
Jason - 29 years
Prospectives need to submit trip reports
Rick has swag, sent out an email of what he has if you want to buy something
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget was voted on by google form - passes with 18 yes’s
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Anyone who has one, please bring an EZ-up. The shade canopy over the picnic tables blew down
Want everyone to fill out CDC acknowledge form for covid, but we’re not going to be taking temperatures
We are going to wear masks
Camping update - 50 people (spaces)
Google Form sign up for members to get a count, and the rest of the spaces can go to students
On trail for clinic?... add the tracks to your Gaia!
Ellen is still handling dropouts and waitlist
Central district membership chair wants to visit and see how we run our clinic
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Train the Trainers May 1st - Hollister
Thanks Ellen for recording GPS tracks
May 7-9th Summer Campout Pre-run/Scouting - Eddie & friends
Camping has been locked down at the resort
Ed did some pre-planning for the Barney Riley trail, and the group confirmed it works. CJ recorded the track
Future Runs
May 14-16th Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
June 5th Fun Run at Hollister to invite students to (Trail lead TBD)
June 11-12th (Confirmed date) Adopt-a-trail
Not much snow there anymore
A lot of trees down from the windstorms
Sherry will ask about camping and conditions when she gets in touch with the Forest Service
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
Co-trail-bosses needed
Agenda for the weekend
Signup form coming soon
Camping has been locked down at the resort. We have a total cost that will be divided among the people who attend. Plenty of space, big dirt lot. There is a steep hill and a hairpin on the road in, but club members with RVs should be able to get in.
If you don’t want to camp with the club, book your lodging ASAP. Busy weekend in that area
HWY Closure details:
Road Closures, Saturday 7/17
5:00 am – 7:00 am: Road closed to traffic from the Markleeville Courthouse to the junction of Highways 89 & 4
Monitor (Hwy 89), & Ebbetts Pass and the Pacific Grade to Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) will be closed to vehicular traffic starting at 5:00 am
Monitor Pass (Hwy 89) reopens to vehicular traffic at 12:00 pm
Ebbetts Pass/Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) reopens to vehicular traffic at 4:00 pm
Highway 89 from Woodfords to the Markleeville Courthouse will remain open. Please adhere to posted speed zones and early morning parking crews
Group Camping at the Carson River Resort
The Group Camp Area is a large area above the resort. Dry camp area with plenty of room for all. There are Porta Potties in this area. Restrooms are down in the main resort on the highway
PLANNED Trail Runs
Barney Riley Trail Pre-Run [Trail Boss: Ed]
This is NOT for the novice driver. This will be a fast pace “Getter Done” run. I am not wanting to do spotting. If you are a person that requires spotting on Intermediate trails this is NOT the run for you.
Easy Barney Riley Trail Run [Trail Boss: John Ruiz]
Hard Blue Lakes / Deer Valley Trail Run [Trail Boss: Kelly Radcliffe]
The Blue lakes Trail is NOT for Novice Drivers
Fun “Geocache Adventure” Trail Run [Trail Boss: Bill Herta]
Intermediate Barney Riley Trail Run [Trail Boss: CJ Arnesen]
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Some people from the club have already signed up
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oktoberfest TBD
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
North district membership
Potentially 2 new clubs: Redding Jeep Club, Tahoe Jeepers
President’s report
Win-A-Jeep winner received his keys
Death Valley Experience - first time event, people enjoyed it
Had a meeting to try to get the lobbyists and natural resources consultant going again
Some work on improving the Cal4Wheel office
Treasury report
Seem to be doing fairly well in terms of budgeting despite events being cancelled
Donations have been higher
Win-A-Jeep raffle ticket price is changing to $20 per ticket
Convention is going to be in Visalia
Asking for write-ups on trails (Adopt-a-trail, favorites, etc.)
If someone from the club could take some pictures, Dennis can pass them along
Some work will be/has been done on Fordyce
Helping out some bypasses that have gotten ridiculously hard
Not touching the main trail
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Senator and assembly person both have bills trying to take the property away again
Governor has a 30 by 30 initiative (30% of state of CA protected by 2030), which could be fueling the bills (however Governor Newsom did veto the bill from last year)
Judge decided earlier this year that past environmental reports were not valid
Also fighting Oceano closure
New Business:
Working group to figure out what ED4’s online presence looks like
We have a great website
We have a Facebook group, how can we better utilize it?
Let CJ know if you would like to join the group
He will get this going after clinic
Would like to come up with a positive analog to the cowbell
We have lots of club members who step up that we should celebrate
Looking for a name and/or token for this award
ED4 hero?
little matchbox Jeep?
Club dues
$30 for single, $50 for family
Due June 30
Ellen will send PayPal link
Can also pay by Stripe if you need to, but they take an extra $5 fee
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Motion to adjourn by Dennis, Dick seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:19pm
Next BOD Meeting: June 1, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: June 8, 2021 at 7pm