Location: Online Zoom – 7:00 pm
Kelly Radcliffe -President
Victor Jorge -Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez-Membership
John Ruiz-Secretary
Opening Remarks & Welcome: Kelly
Open Meeting:
There is a $1300 short fall in the budget this year
$1000 for the Sat phone, $300 for clinic insurance
To make up for the short fall the board was looking at increasing ED4 dues $10 for individuals and $10 for families. Cost would now be $20 & $30
This will add $450 to budget. The rest of the savings would come from lowering donations
Ellen will have a draft for the By-Laws to increase the membership fees. It will be voted on at the next meeting. The new membership fee will be $30 for single and $40 for families
2017 32K miles Tacoma TRD for sale by Greg Youree
Membership Report: Rick
Member Introductions and Question
April question of the Month:
Most used tool in your vehicle?
Treasury Report: Ellen
We got money!
Clinic: Dennis, Rick, and Ellen:
Clinic report (Proposed new date on July 18th, 2020)
Past Club Runs: Victor
April 11th - Train the Trainer ONLINE, Jason
17 people attended it with out issues
Future Club Runs: Victor
All outdoor runs up to June were canceled.
CJ is hold a run via the computer Saturday April 18th @ 3pm
June 12-14th Adopt-a-Trail – Jason Green/Sherry Stortroen
July 4th weekend - Summer Campout - Ed Lorenzen
July 18th - Spring Safety Clinic - Dennis, Rick and Magnus
August (TBD) - Shaver Lake area run? - Kelly Radcliffe
August 30 - September 7th - Ouray, CO + Rim Rock Trail - Chris Masten
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Dennis, Rick and Magnus
October 9-10th - Oktoberfest Bear Valley - TBD
TBD - 45th Anniversary Event Hollister - Ellen
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
None. Future meetings are canceled.
Land Use Updates: Sherry and Ole
Cal4 is asking its members and supporters to contact your state senators and state assembly members and encourage them to oppose AB2551 (Alameda- Tesla Expansion) and SB1147 (Carnegie SVRA) when they come up for committee votes later in this legislative session
You can find your Senator here and contact them to stop the bill. http://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/
New Business: Kelly
Cowbell Nominations: Kelly
Meeting Adjournment: Kelly
Next BOD Meeting: Tuesday May 4th 2020
Next General Meeting is Tuesday May 11th at the Omega Restaurant, Milpitas, CA.
Meeting adjourned at 8:04pm