Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Bring Cash to the Safety Clinic
Rick will have ED4 swage for sale at the clinic. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel will be the clinic. You will be able to buy their swag also
Cal 4 Wheel has a disaster fund to help members in bad times. You can make a tax deductible donation to them
Membership (Rick Montez):
Anniversaries: Kelly Radcliffe 3 years
September question of the Month:
Have you spent more or less on your rig? Most non married people did not
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
The budget had $750 donation to HHORA. It was voted to increase this to $1500 Now also using Strip for payments
What is HHORA; HHORA is a cooperating nonprofit association designed to support Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area.
Clinic is sold out. Can still use help. Contact Bruce Wilford for a job assignment
Camping for members and volunteers only. Hollister is open for anyone camping. It is just area 5 that is restricted
You know someone that wants to sign up for the clinic have them send an email to Ellen to get a spot early
Forever Wave password is EDF17
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
You will have to cook for yourself
Going to try and run tire placement right after the classroom. There will be 4 Tire placement areas and all 4 groups will run it at once. Help is need for this
The pre-run will be this Saturday the 12th. Meet at 9AM at the big oak tree
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
July 18 – August 14-16 - Shaver Lake area run - Kelly Radcliffe The group was able to do Red Lake, Kaiser Pass, Mono Hot Springs and Bald Mountain
August 30 - September 7th - Ouray, CO, Rim Rock Trail, Red Mountain - Chris Masten No report since they were not back
Future Runs:
Club website & Facebook page has been updated. Victor has been creating Events with all the info for upcoming runs. Lots of detailed info in both places thanks to Victor
September 12th – Clinic prerun & train the trainers
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
October 9th - Oktoberfest - Markleville Trail Leader Ed L
October 26th – Death Valley See Vidas for details
November - 45th Anniversary Event - Hollister - Ellen and Rick
December Toys for Tots - Joanna
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money. Check out the store Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale. Contest between clubs to sell the most. See the contest’s site. Put ED4 down to help club in contest
Next meeting is October 24th via Zoom
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Cow Bell:
Richard O. for driving off the trail while leading a group during the safety clinic
Next BOD Meeting:
October 6th, 2020
Next General Meeting:
October 13th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site