Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Kelly R. bought another set of ¾ ton axles, 14 bolt rear, 8 lug - talk to him if you are interested in buying them from him
CJ has 1943 original Willys MB axles for sale
Call for volunteer for hosting the next Rigs and Coffee
Old Business:
Club officers candidate info (Elections chair Andrew S. via Dishaan)
Andrew contacted a bunch of people about running for a board position
No one who isn’t a current board member already has volunteered
If you haven’t been contacted but are interested, please reach out to Andrew
Some new members are not yet eligible, haven’t been members for a year
Plea for volunteers for President and Delegate
Delegate responsibilities
4 Cal4Wheel meetings per year, one of those is Convention
Convention rotates between the 3 regions, in person this year and probably will continue to be
Other meetings have been Zoom meetings for the last year or so
Meeting for Northern district is usually in Sacramento, typically about 9am - 3pm
Attend meeting, take notes, tell club about it at next general meeting
Next meeting is Convention, then April 2
Usually know by March when the meetings will be for the coming year
Why can’t Ole or Sherry be delegate since they are already going to those meetings? Because they already have other roles
Opportunity to be a voice for our club
Travel is budgeted by the club, amounts for traveling to meetings and hotel for Convention
President responsibilities
General supervision of club
Run General meetings and board meetings
Sometimes sign some checks for Ellen
Help with committees, etc.
BOD meetings have been virtual for a while
General meeting became virtual because of the pandemic, mostly up to the board to decide when to go back to in person meetings
Nomination session - nominees cannot decline during the meeting, must contact elections chair afterward if they need to decline
CJ nominates Chris Mains for President
Kelly R. nominates Darrell Drummer for President
We do have to have a Board of Directors to function as a corporation in California
If we don’t have a board, we don’t have a club
For April 2022 to March 2023
Bylaws amendment vote
This is for the formatting/grammatical cleanup
Passed unanimously
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: You have $100K for a new 4wd rig (inflation) which do you do? Purchase one from a respected builder for $100K or purchase a base unit and do the mods yourself (more bang for the buck)
Reminder to prospectives to generate a trip report after attending a run
Trail leaders who have prospectives with them, please remind them to submit trip report
Anniversaries: Ellen Layendecker 31, Jay Lohr 30, Tom Vella 16, Greg Ordonez 5, Joanna Chen 4, Neale Wade 4, Victor Jorge 4
Club roster
Rick sent an email a few weeks ago asking for updated info
Several people have not responded, Rick will wait another week before finalizing things
Rick hasn’t been taking attendance trying to help the zoom meetings move more quickly
Is it worth going down the list to call roll?
Can screenshot the zoom window
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
We have money!
Dennis has donation checks for Convention
Ellen still working on insurance
Have insurance, need COI for Safety Clinic
Taking them abnormally long amount of time
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Jan 23: Rigs & Coffee (Peets @ Los Gatos) - Trail-boss: Rye Livingston
15 or so rigs showed up
Rye says it’s as easy as it gets when it comes to organizing an event
Connie brought amazing grapefruit
Jan 25 - Feb 5th: King of the Hammers - Trail-boss: Jason G.
Down in the desert for 10 days, absolutely spectacular
Future Runs
Feb 18 - 20: Cal4 Convention Trail-boss: Dennis
Feb 25 - 27th: Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest - Trail-boss: Victor J.
Feb ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Mar ??: Walker Ridge Run - Trail-boss: Dennis
No date yet, probably early March
Mar ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Mar 30-Apr 2: Cal4Wheel Death Valley Experience - Trail-boss: ???
Apr 8-11th : Death Valley Overlanding [3-4d/~400mile] - Trail-boss: Vidas/Bruce
Popular event. If we have a second trail leader, can split into 2 groups to let more people join
Apr ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
May 21st: Spring Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
June 17 - 19th: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-1] - Trail-boss:???
July 1 - 3rd: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-2] - Trail-boss:???
Aug 6 - 7th 4Wheel Parts TruckFest - Trail-boss: Rick
Sept 17th: Fall Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
Land Use:
Still fighting things hard
Delegate Report (Dennis):
Dennis has the 2 checks for our club donations
$250 for Cal4Wheel’s Tread Lightly! dues
$1250 for general fund
One election during convention, for President
Josh Epstein - currently VP of South District
Robert Reed - North District member and past President
Dennis doesn’t know the people well enough to have an opinion
CJ trusts Sherry and Ole’s perspective
Jason would choose Josh if he had to choose
Several members seem to lean toward Josh
Daryl motions to give Dennis agency to make the decision, Jason seconds, passes
Invitation is still open for anyone who wants to go to Visalia for Convention
New Business:
Safety Clinic registration
We don’t have Truckfest in Feb to give us a deadline
Ellen has been busy, doesn’t have everything set up yet
Ellen targeting first week of March
Safety Clinic food discussion
Generally serve dinner at Clinic for 2 purposes - keep students around longer to get them interested in the club, and to thank the volunteers
We charge a little extra to cover food for volunteers
We had been doing food ourselves, takes a lot of bodies and a lot of work
Lately we are barely getting enough volunteers for clinic, not including food prep
Exploring the idea of catering
Andrew and some others have done some research, notes pasted below the minutes
The idea would be to pass cost of catering on to students
Our clinic is really cheap, so we could absorb some of the cost there as well by raising prices
Alex F. suggests Costco pizzas
Darrell Drummer willing to volunteer for cooking
Has some equipment, will need some help bringing it down to Hollister Hills
$30 for dinner might be too much that people will not be interested
Clinic is already underpriced, we could include cost of food; either include dinner fully or only have a small (e.g. $10) extra cost for dinner
Ellen suggests raising main price $10, and charging $20 per meal
We still want to keep prices down to attract younger people
Ellen also noted that there are about 10 spots that will be taken by holdovers, and we would likely not charge them the difference in registration cost
Jason used Mansmith BBQ in the past, it was great
They cook ahead of time, but finish up on site
Worth it
Also, takes our liability away from food related problems (e.g. someone gets sick)
Says volunteers should not have to pay for the meal, club should
Thinks it would be fine to raise clinic prices by $20, won’t have an issue filling up clinic
Ellen asks about permits, do we need to redo documents?
Covid protocol? didn’t require the last time
Magnus doesn’t think we need permission to have a caterer, but can ask Chris at park
We also know that Cal4Wheel caters for Molina Ghost Run at Hollister Hills
This doesn’t have to be permanent, proof of concept for May clinic
Let’s separate the vote for cater or not and how we charge
John T. motions to cater for May clinic
Vote passes
John T. motions +$20 to registration and $12 for dinner - bump to $15
Alex proposes round numbers - $100 registration, $20 dinner
holdovers don’t have to pay increase in price, pay for dinner if they want it
John R. says we don’t have to vote on numbers today
Only 22 people in attendance today and missing a couple of key members
CJ says we will be opening registration before next meeting, so we need to set prices
Kelly suggests $95 registration, $90 second driver, $20 dinner
Ellen good with these numbers
No vegetarian options
Are beverages included by caterer? not sure. They do bring plates, cutlery, etc.
2 motions, vote for one
$100 main registration, $95 second driver, $20 meal - 8 votes
$95 main registration, $90 second driver, $20 meal - 9 votes, wins
Details not completely sorted out, we will figure it out, we will learn from this for September
CJ will let Andrew know ASAP, will see if he is willing to follow up with booking, otherwise will find someone else
John R. volunteers for Rigs and Coffee
Weds 2/16 In-n-Out 7pm
ED4 Hero:
Kelly nominates Andrew for being elections chair, doing research for clinic catering
CJ nominates Joanna for wading through bylaws
Jason nominates Kelly for showing up early to Rigs and Coffee, CJ seconds
Reminder: Voting for next board at next meeting
John T. motions to adjourn the meeting, Jason seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:57pm
Next BOD Meeting: March 1, 2022 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: March 8, 2022 at 7pm