General Meeting - Tuesday, February 8th, 2022
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Kelly R. bought another set of ¾ ton axles, 14 bolt rear, 8 lug - talk to him if you are interested in buying them from him
CJ has 1943 original Willys MB axles for sale
Call for volunteer for hosting the next Rigs and Coffee
Old Business:
Club officers candidate info (Elections chair Andrew S. via Dishaan)
Andrew contacted a bunch of people about running for a board position
No one who isn’t a current board member already has volunteered
If you haven’t been contacted but are interested, please reach out to Andrew
Some new members are not yet eligible, haven’t been members for a year
Plea for volunteers for President and Delegate
Delegate responsibilities
4 Cal4Wheel meetings per year, one of those is Convention
Convention rotates between the 3 regions, in person this year and probably will continue to be
Other meetings have been Zoom meetings for the last year or so
Meeting for Northern district is usually in Sacramento, typically about 9am - 3pm
Attend meeting, take notes, tell club about it at next general meeting
Next meeting is Convention, then April 2
Usually know by March when the meetings will be for the coming year
Why can’t Ole or Sherry be delegate since they are already going to those meetings? Because they already have other roles
Opportunity to be a voice for our club
Travel is budgeted by the club, amounts for traveling to meetings and hotel for Convention
President responsibilities
General supervision of club
Run General meetings and board meetings
Sometimes sign some checks for Ellen
Help with committees, etc.
BOD meetings have been virtual for a while
General meeting became virtual because of the pandemic, mostly up to the board to decide when to go back to in person meetings
Nomination session - nominees cannot decline during the meeting, must contact elections chair afterward if they need to decline
CJ nominates Chris Mains for President
Kelly R. nominates Darrell Drummer for President
We do have to have a Board of Directors to function as a corporation in California
If we don’t have a board, we don’t have a club
For April 2022 to March 2023
Bylaws amendment vote
This is for the formatting/grammatical cleanup
Passed unanimously
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: You have $100K for a new 4wd rig (inflation) which do you do? Purchase one from a respected builder for $100K or purchase a base unit and do the mods yourself (more bang for the buck)
Reminder to prospectives to generate a trip report after attending a run
Trail leaders who have prospectives with them, please remind them to submit trip report
Anniversaries: Ellen Layendecker 31, Jay Lohr 30, Tom Vella 16, Greg Ordonez 5, Joanna Chen 4, Neale Wade 4, Victor Jorge 4
Club roster
Rick sent an email a few weeks ago asking for updated info
Several people have not responded, Rick will wait another week before finalizing things
Rick hasn’t been taking attendance trying to help the zoom meetings move more quickly
Is it worth going down the list to call roll?
Can screenshot the zoom window
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
We have money!
Dennis has donation checks for Convention
Ellen still working on insurance
Have insurance, need COI for Safety Clinic
Taking them abnormally long amount of time
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Jan 23: Rigs & Coffee (Peets @ Los Gatos) - Trail-boss: Rye Livingston
15 or so rigs showed up
Rye says it’s as easy as it gets when it comes to organizing an event
Connie brought amazing grapefruit
Jan 25 - Feb 5th: King of the Hammers - Trail-boss: Jason G.
Down in the desert for 10 days, absolutely spectacular
Future Runs
Feb 18 - 20: Cal4 Convention Trail-boss: Dennis
Feb 25 - 27th: Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest - Trail-boss: Victor J.
Feb ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Mar ??: Walker Ridge Run - Trail-boss: Dennis
No date yet, probably early March
Mar ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Mar 30-Apr 2: Cal4Wheel Death Valley Experience - Trail-boss: ???
Apr 8-11th : Death Valley Overlanding [3-4d/~400mile] - Trail-boss: Vidas/Bruce
Popular event. If we have a second trail leader, can split into 2 groups to let more people join
Apr ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
May 21st: Spring Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
June 17 - 19th: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-1] - Trail-boss:???
July 1 - 3rd: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-2] - Trail-boss:???
Aug 6 - 7th 4Wheel Parts TruckFest - Trail-boss: Rick
Sept 17th: Fall Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
Land Use:
Still fighting things hard
Delegate Report (Dennis):
Dennis has the 2 checks for our club donations
$250 for Cal4Wheel’s Tread Lightly! dues
$1250 for general fund
One election during convention, for President
Josh Epstein - currently VP of South District
Robert Reed - North District member and past President
Dennis doesn’t know the people well enough to have an opinion
CJ trusts Sherry and Ole’s perspective
Jason would choose Josh if he had to choose
Several members seem to lean toward Josh
Daryl motions to give Dennis agency to make the decision, Jason seconds, passes
Invitation is still open for anyone who wants to go to Visalia for Convention
New Business:
Safety Clinic registration
We don’t have Truckfest in Feb to give us a deadline
Ellen has been busy, doesn’t have everything set up yet
Ellen targeting first week of March
Safety Clinic food discussion
Generally serve dinner at Clinic for 2 purposes - keep students around longer to get them interested in the club, and to thank the volunteers
We charge a little extra to cover food for volunteers
We had been doing food ourselves, takes a lot of bodies and a lot of work
Lately we are barely getting enough volunteers for clinic, not including food prep
Exploring the idea of catering
Andrew and some others have done some research, notes pasted below the minutes
The idea would be to pass cost of catering on to students
Our clinic is really cheap, so we could absorb some of the cost there as well by raising prices
Alex F. suggests Costco pizzas
Darrell Drummer willing to volunteer for cooking
Has some equipment, will need some help bringing it down to Hollister Hills
$30 for dinner might be too much that people will not be interested
Clinic is already underpriced, we could include cost of food; either include dinner fully or only have a small (e.g. $10) extra cost for dinner
Ellen suggests raising main price $10, and charging $20 per meal
We still want to keep prices down to attract younger people
Ellen also noted that there are about 10 spots that will be taken by holdovers, and we would likely not charge them the difference in registration cost
Jason used Mansmith BBQ in the past, it was great
They cook ahead of time, but finish up on site
Worth it
Also, takes our liability away from food related problems (e.g. someone gets sick)
Says volunteers should not have to pay for the meal, club should
Thinks it would be fine to raise clinic prices by $20, won’t have an issue filling up clinic
Ellen asks about permits, do we need to redo documents?
Covid protocol? didn’t require the last time
Magnus doesn’t think we need permission to have a caterer, but can ask Chris at park
We also know that Cal4Wheel caters for Molina Ghost Run at Hollister Hills
This doesn’t have to be permanent, proof of concept for May clinic
Let’s separate the vote for cater or not and how we charge
John T. motions to cater for May clinic
Vote passes
John T. motions +$20 to registration and $12 for dinner - bump to $15
Alex proposes round numbers - $100 registration, $20 dinner
holdovers don’t have to pay increase in price, pay for dinner if they want it
John R. says we don’t have to vote on numbers today
Only 22 people in attendance today and missing a couple of key members
CJ says we will be opening registration before next meeting, so we need to set prices
Kelly suggests $95 registration, $90 second driver, $20 dinner
Ellen good with these numbers
No vegetarian options
Are beverages included by caterer? not sure. They do bring plates, cutlery, etc.
2 motions, vote for one
$100 main registration, $95 second driver, $20 meal - 8 votes
$95 main registration, $90 second driver, $20 meal - 9 votes, wins
Details not completely sorted out, we will figure it out, we will learn from this for September
CJ will let Andrew know ASAP, will see if he is willing to follow up with booking, otherwise will find someone else
John R. volunteers for Rigs and Coffee
Weds 2/16 In-n-Out 7pm
ED4 Hero:
Kelly nominates Andrew for being elections chair, doing research for clinic catering
CJ nominates Joanna for wading through bylaws
Jason nominates Kelly for showing up early to Rigs and Coffee, CJ seconds
Reminder: Voting for next board at next meeting
John T. motions to adjourn the meeting, Jason seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:57pm
Next BOD Meeting: March 1, 2022 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: March 8, 2022 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, January 11th, 2022
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Rigs and Coffee
Call for host for January - sign up: Rigs & Coffee
CJ has 1943 Willys MB axles for sale
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Which do you prefer when you are stuck…2wd and aggressive off-road tires or 4wd and street tires off your mom’s old Buick
Reminder to prospectives if you go on a club event, you need to complete a trip report
doesn’t have to be long; what you did, where you went, who you were with, etc.
email to Rick or send to club mailing list
December Anniversaries - Steve Bartolomei 22, Rye Livingston 1, Sarah Parker & Jason Pugh 8
January Anniversaries - Ole Stortroen 32, John & Hope Ruiz 25, Loro Paterson 15, Dennis Holler & Ava 15, Dick Orlando 6
Rick is going to update the club roster
will send an email to confirm contact information for membership list
will also ask if it’s ok to publish contact info to rest of the club
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker via CJ):
We have money!
Chainsaw safety equipment
May need to pay more for insurance
Ellen is working on the Budget for next year
Donations for Cal4Wheel Convention, based on suggestions from Ellen/precedent:
$250 for Cal4Wheel Tread Lightly! dues
Daryl motions, Rye seconds, vote passes
$500 for the Cal4Wheel general fund (budgeted)
Andrew motions, Magnus seconds, vote passes
$750 extra to either add to the general fund, or Legal Fund
Ole motions to add the $750 donation to the general fund, Dennis seconds, vote passes
Cal4Wheel membership renewals are starting to come
Handled online now directly with Cal4Wheel, please handle that on your own
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Future Runs
Floating the idea of having a fun run every month, lots of placeholders below for that
Jan 15: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: John Ruiz
Jan 25 - Feb 5th: King of the Hammers - Trail-boss: Jason G.
Feb 18 - 20: Cal4Wheel Convention Trail-boss: Dennis
Register online or find the form in In Gear magazine
Feb 25 - 27th: Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest - Trail-boss: Victor J.
Postponed from Jan 14-16
Feb ??: 4Wheel Parts Truck Fest - Trail-boss: Rick
No dates posted yet
Feb ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Feb ??: Walker Ridge Run - Trail-boss: Dennis
Mar ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
Apr ??: Death Valley Overland - Trail-boss: Vidas and Bruce
Early April
Apr ??: Hollister Fun Run - Trail-boss: ???
May 21st: Spring Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
June 17- 19th: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-1] - Trail-boss:???
July 1 - 3rd: Adopt-a-Trail [Part-2] - Trail-boss:???
Sept 17th: Fall Safety Clinic: Trail-boss: Magnus/Bruce
If anyone wants to propose a fun run, please do so
If 3 club members show up, it counts as a club run for prospectives
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Ecologic is fighting the Oceano Dunes SVRA closure, they presented at Cal4Wheel meeting
State Parks keeps trying to close Oceano
Ecologic has lawsuit, has stay of execution
Friends of Oceano also had 2 wins in the court against state parks
San Luis Obispo Air Pollution Control district was forcing State Parks to do dust control
Lawsuit said the Air Pollution Control district didn’t take comments from public on their plan, so it got thrown out
Friends of Oceano currently have lawsuit regarding prescriptive rights
Ecologic lawsuit trying to say commission cannot close park because it was created by another body - OHV division was created legislatively to manage SVRAs
Individuals who want to donate to Ecologic lawsuit can donate through Cal4Wheel Foundation
Foundation donations are tax deductible (donations to the Association are not)
CA4WDC Report:
Gary ? voted as associate delegate
Sherry Stortroen voted as individual/life member delegate
Debbie Stevens voted as new treasurer
Kitten Chapman voted as north district membership chairman
Voting for new president, 2 candidates (Bob ? and Josh Epstein)
At our next meeting, we need to advise Dennis, our delegate, how to vote
No bylaws to vote on
No one applied for Foundation scholarships
Old Business - CJ
4+ storage totes from Ed - need volunteers to store them
Stuff we use for clinic
Greg Y. volunteers to store them
Bylaws update - proposal for clean up
Board was in the process of updating the bylaws document with the addendum the club passed in December
Bylaws document is ill-formatted, want to do some cleanup - formatting and grammatical fixes
As a formality for visibility, want to publish cleaned up version as another proposal for amendment
Board will send email with cleaned up document for review next week, well in advance of the required minimum of 10 days before the vote
Vote next meeting
New Business - CJ
Adopt-a-Trail Backup date/plan
Proactively putting 2 dates on the calendar since we often seem to need 2 weekends
Election Chair
Vote for Board of Directors is in March
Want to talk about candidates in Feb.
Andrew volunteers
Gaia GPS club folder
CJ sent an email to the club
Attached a KML file, so you can download it even if you don’t use Gaia
5 folders in the KML file
Stuff CJ has collected and cleaned up over the years
Would like to add more, so if you have something to share, email CJ
For people who use Gaia, recommend NOT using the KML file and fill out the Google form so CJ can give you read access to the Gaia folder
This means you’ll always have the up to date folder
ED4 Hero:
Daryl nominates Magnus, Bruce, Sherry, Ellen for Clinic work
John T. nominates Greg Y. for taking the storage stuff
CJ nominates Ed for storing all the stuff for a long time
Meeting adjourned at 8:11 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Feb. 1, 2022 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Feb. 8, 2022 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, December 9th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm
Rigs and Coffee
Looking for volunteer
Old Business:
Bylaws amendment vote
Voting on proposed amendment to make it easier for returning members to rejoin
19 yes, 1 abstain - it passes
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Panamint Valley - Nov 12-14 - Dishaan
mines run, unfortunately Dishaan got a tire slashed, Loro & Anton had some transmission problems
Colin also went and did 3 runs
Rigs & Coffee - Nov 13 - Ellen
secret parking lot behind Ace hardware
one of the Ace employees drove his Grand Cherokee over and chatted with us
Adopt-a-Trail Part 2 - Nov 19-20 - Jason
fortuitous weekend, weather was great, a bit cold
logging company was there and logging the trail, ~100 trees down, we didn’t have to do that part of the trail
went to Mattley Meadow, cleared 18/19 trees, one was over 4’ diameter
new chainsaw was great
Toys for Tots Stuff the Bus - Dec 4 - Joanna
charity run, 16 rigs
we all got to the toy drop-off together
Future Runs
Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest - Jan 14-16, 2022 - Ole/Arline
King of the Hammers - Jan 25-Feb 5, 2022 - Jason G.
Cal4Wheel Convention - Feb 18-20, 2022
Mendocino run - Sometime in Feb - Dennis
Pismo maybe? Dec?
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
Sherry’s delegate’s report: Delegates Report, Esprit de Four, October 2, 2021.docx
New Business:
Feb Cal4Wheel Convention - Dennis
Donations? keep in mind for Jan meeting
Ellen will send info before Jan meeting: what is budgeted, what additional amount we usually give, and what is advisable for us to spend
Usually also have bylaws info, but haven’t seen them yet
Fun stuff
What are you drinking and what is something the club doesn’t know about you?
ED4 Hero:
Jason, CJ and everyone who went and did Adopt-a-Trail part 2
Dick for the hat he’s wearing right now
Special BOD Award:
Outstanding Contributor of the Year - anonymous donor for the chainsaw
CJ says check your inbox between now and the New Year, he will be sending a gift of the digital variety
ED4 folder for Gaia GPS
Club runs, overlanding runs, rock crawling runs
John T. motions to adjourn, Andy seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Jan 4, 2022 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Jan 11, 2022 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, November 9th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
Rigs and Coffee
Call for signups to host future ones
Have one this Saturday 11/13 at 9am
Homestead and Foothill, parking lot in the back
Ellen will have clinic business cards to hand out
Mike P. is selling his Jeep - coil-over TJ with all the bells and whistles
CJ is selling his dad’s near stock 1986 CJ7, passed smog
Old Business:
Bylaws amendment proposal - Rick
The Board would like to propose an amendment to the bylaws to make it easier for returning members to rejoin (for example, but not exclusively for, members who have moved away and then moved back and are interested in rejoining)
Kelly R. shared the document and some live edits were made
Board can also edit the document (grammar, etc.)
Secretary (Joanna) will send non editable PDF to club for review when edits are done, and no later than 10 days before the December general meeting
This will go up for a vote at the December general meeting
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month:
Which would you rather have: a winch but no recovery gear or recovery gear but no winch?
Anniversaries: Chris & Patty Masten-10y, Daryl Nelson-9y, Darrel Drummer-3y, Colin Nayler-2y
BOD has been discussing how to keep our Facebook group of interest to everyone in the group and on topic
Over 600 people in our Facebook group now
BOD has come up with a set of basic rules for the Facebook group
Ole recommended adding something about promoting responsible vehicular use of public/private lands
Proposed rules
All posts should be 4 wheeling relatedBuying and Selling
It's ok if you want to sell something or want to buy, but it should be 4 wheeling relatedRespect Others
Be respectful of others posts even if you don't agree with what they are saying. Its ok to disagree if you do it without flaming the other person. Members not following this rule will be warned only 1 timeRespect the Environment
Promote the responsible vehicular use of public/private lands
Posts promoting illegal off roading will not be allowed
Facebook group admins (Mike P., CJ, Andrew S., Victor, etc.) will be the people enforcing the rules
These are also the people who accept people into the group
Want to keep the Facebook group as a 4 wheel drive community
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Bills are paid up except for ~$2000 on insurance
Insurance process is underway
Donation to HHORA for safety clinic has been sent
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Oct 16 - FUN RUN - Andrew & Magnus
Give or take 20 rigs, some prospectives from the past 2 clinics
Oct 23 - Rigs and Halloween Show - Tracy, CA - Andrew
Future Runs
Nov 12-14th - Panamint Valley Days - Dishaan
Nov 13th @ 9am - Rigs & Coffee - Ellen
Parking lot behind 2310 Homestead Rd Ste E, Los Altos, CA 94024
Nov 19-20 - Adopt-a-Trail Part 2 - Jason
Want to get as much done as possible before it gets buried in snow this winter
Probably heading out 8:30/9am Friday morning to start working
Going up to the area Thursday night
Email Jason if you are interested in attending so he can coordinate times and locations
Nov/Dec: ??? - Pismo Beach
Great time of year; need Reserve America spot
Let Victor know if there’s any interest, even for a day run
Camping is going to be more of an issue
Best time of year to go there
Dec 4th @ 10:30am - Toys for Tots Stuff the Bus - Joanna
Holiday toy run / Jeep parade
One week earlier than usual!
Lunch afterward at Jackie’s Place on 1st St.? soul food
Jan 14-16 2022 - Cal4Wheel Winter Fun Fest
Jan 27-Feb 5th 2022 - King of the Hammers!!!
Jan 12-15 Winter 4x4 Jamboree (Hurricane, Utah)
Colin is going
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Rededicated a historical state plaque
Ole talked to several people about the property lost
Still in parks possession, not SVRA; no plans right now to open it up
OHV division has their hands washed of the property, still some environmental mitigation needed, but won’t be OHV’s responsibility
OHV division is now a permanent division with these new bills
Personnel used to be in a separate building, now moved in with the rest of parks but spread out across 3 floors
Oceano still a constant fight
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
Sherry’s delegate’s report: Delegates Report, Esprit de Four, October 2, 2021.docx
New Business:
Food truck or catering for clinic?
Volunteer to make some phone calls to get an idea what cost might be?
Andrew S. volunteers
Headcount - 80-90 meals historically
CJ would like to auction off 2 hours of Gaia training as a donation to the club
Bidding war between Connie and John T. ended at $95 and $100 respectively
CJ will do one session each for both Connie and John
ED4 Hero:
Daryl says we should put Ellen on every hero nomination - money and paperwork guru
Tom nominates all the people at the Hollister fun run, called out Daryl for inviting them to join our group
(Tom Conley wheeled with us at Hollister fun run, will be sending a membership application)
CJ nominates Jason for Adopt-a-Trail efforts and organizing Trail Hero trip
Other stuff:
Magnus was finally convinced to tell the story of what happened to him at the Hollister hills fun run
Magnus was trying to pass a side by side, leaves had blown over into a ditch and it looked like there was still road there, he slid into the ditch
Could have been worse if there hadn’t been a little tree
Stabilized in front by hooking a winch to vehicle in front
Used snatch block off another tree on the side to pull back and to the side while the line in front was released
December “meeting”
Virtual party, dress up, lights, backgrounds, bring favorite drink/beverage
Only 5 minutes or so of business - we do have to vote on the bylaws amendment
Magnus motions to adjourn the meeting, John T. seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Dec. 7, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting (and virtual party): Dec. 14, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, October 5th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
Rigs and Coffee in early Nov., Ellen will pick a date
At new Ace Hardware store near Homestead
1986 CJ for sale by CJ
Dana 25 and 23 from an MB for sale by CJ
Old Business:
Kelly celebrated 4 years last month, was accidentally missed
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month (for everyone this month): What navigation software would you recommend to a new 4 wheeler?
Anniversaries: CJ Arnesen 13yrs, Gary Shelgren 12yrs, Archie & Belinda 2 yrs, Scott Beley 2yrs
Special vote for Darrel and Kathy Kroeker
Long time club members in good standing a while ago, moved away and lost touch with the club, are interested in coming back
We don’t really have something in the bylaws for members coming back
Suggesting Friends of Esprit de Four because we can do that right now following the bylaws with a ⅔ vote
Friends of Esprit de Four does not have voting rights
Should we make amendment to bylaws for past members who want to return?
Many members have nice things to say about the Kroekers and would like to get them reinstated as full members
Kelly will put something together for amending the bylaws
Jason motions to vote the Kroekers in as Friends of Esprit de Four for now, Connie seconds
passes with many ayes (few abstensions)
We can consider them for full members later after the bylaws are amended, if desired
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Donation for HHORA
Jason motions $1500 donation for HHORA, seconded by Kelly R.
Ellen filed our taxes
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Turned out well, but we used every last person who was there
Planned for finishing by 4pm and we actually finished by 4pm
Reroute Red trail to not go through Sycamore?
Probably don’t need to put trail markers anymore - we have people who either know the trails by heart or can use software to follow the trails
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Sept 17-19 Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus (see above)
Oct 1-3 Oktoberfest - Area 5 Hollister - Kelly
Recovery practice, poker run, raffle, campout (videos)
Family fun, games, competition, stuck-a-thon, recovery classes, raffle
If you weren’t there, you missed out
10 people came out, everyone walked away with something from the raffle
Oct 2-8 - Trail Hero - Sand Hollow Utah - CJ
Technically not a club run because only 2 people went
Kind of like Pismo + Moab + sandpaper
Vehicles can do what you never thought they could do and vehicles won’t do what you thought they would do
Something for everyone, all levels of trails, many people there but it never feels crowded because everyone is spread out
Put it on your calendar for next year - trail signups start about 3 months out, full campground reservations start about 5 months in advance
Future Runs
Oct 16 - FUN RUN (Andrew S & Magnus)
8:30am at the Oak tree
About 15 people signed up
Oct 23 - Rigs and Halloween Show to Tracy, CA (Andrew S)
If there isn’t more interest in the next week, probably will cancel this as a club event so there isn’t confusion trying to meet up, so please respond on email chain or sign up on the Facebook event if you want to go
Oct 23 is also Cleanup day at Hollister Hills
Nov 12-14 - Panamint Valley (Dishaan)
Pismo Beach; Nov/Dec: ??? Great time of year; need Reserve America spot
Camping might be difficult, maybe a day run?
Dec 11 (tentative) - Holiday toy run / Jeep parade (Joanna)
Jan 14-16 - Winter Fun Fest (Cal4Wheel event)
Need to make reservations at campground ASAP if you want to camp, private work group is also camping there, so a lot of sites are already taken
Feb 18-20 - Cal4Wheel Convention in Visalia (Dennis)
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Still talking about closing it in 3 years
State parks
Reorganized a few years ago, OHV used to be a 7 park district, now put into various territories with the rest of the parks
21 million now being offered for Carnegie property, money supposed to go to OHV, but still have concerns that the money won’t be tracked
State Parks doesn’t seem to be doing enough for OHV
Properties will still belong to State Parks, but non-motorized
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
North district meeting on the 2nd
Raffle Jeep going to lots of events, tickets are $20 each this year
In preparation for Convention, asking for pictures/videos from trails that have been adopted
Yet to have a Natural Resource Consultant
Doing ok money-wise despite event cancellations
Membership seems to be down just a little
No bylaws changes proposed at the meeting
Also time for elections - 2 candidates for President
Sierra Trek made more money than 2 years ago
New Business:
Food truck or catering for clinic?
Volunteer to make some phone calls to get an idea what cost might be?
Andrew S. volunteers
Headcount - 80-90 meals historically
CJ would like to auction off 2 hours of Gaia training as a donation to the club
Bidding war between Connie and John T. ended at $95 and $100 respectively
CJ will do one session each for both Connie and John
ED4 Hero:
Ellen for clinic work
Sherry and Ole for behind the scenes work
Kelly R. and team for Oktoberfest recovery session
Jason, CJ, and Kelly S. for doing the last “50 years” of clinic classroom
Dishaan for coming to BOD meetings every month
John T. motions to adjourn the meeting, Greg O. seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:33 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Nov. 2, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Nov. 9, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, September 17th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Kelly R. has a hoist for a Jeep hardtop for sale for a 6 pack of beer
CJ has a stock 1986 CJ7 for sale
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month (for everyone this time):
When you pack for a trip where you have to camp, what is the 1 thing you can’t live without, or in other words what do you always bring with you?
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Some donations will be going out in the near future
$2000 for insurance to be paid in November
Sierra Trek raffle did very well
Tyler L. (of My Off Road Radio) won something we donated
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Mostly set up, could use a few more people
Final updates Sat morning
We have 4 groups, normally 4 activities. Since hill climb / backing down has been eliminated due to lack of volunteers, we will be splitting stairsteps and frame twister into 2 separate activities. Entire group will go together.
Tire placement in groups before everyone goes out
38 vehicles, 8 double drivers
CJ and Colin will have APRS
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Aug 7-8: 4WP Truckfest - San Mateo
Wasn’t as well attended as in the past
But someone from the event showed up to clinic and is interested in joining the club
Aug 12-15: Sierra Trek - Meadow Lake, CA.
Lots of people from ED4 went
Brutal, Thurs rain made rocks slick, winching until 11pm
Lots of carnage
Someone was airlifted out by a CHP chopper due to low blood pressure
Fun, partied, wonderful day on trail, food was wonderful, band was good
Showers were amazing
Raffle did very well, beat monetary intake of last few years
Seemed to be more incidents than usual
Tyler in contact with winch hills via ham radio was amazing technology
Could have been what saved the guy above’s life
Sept 4: Hollister Hills Fun Run - Trail Boss: Magnus
5 people
Short and sweet but a lot of fun
Sept 4: Stan’s Donuts and Rigs - Trail Boss: Colin
Same day as fun run by accident
Also about 5 people
Gary S. showed up to both
Future Runs
Sept 17-19: Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oct 1-3: Oktoberfest - Area 5 Hollister - Kelly
Got lucky Hollister Hills had a cancellation so we are able to get penciled in for Area 5
Area 5 is booked every weekend until Christmas
Raffle from summer campout
Recovery practice
Poker run
Price is negotiable because we have a good relationship with the park, not locked in yet (as of 9/17)
Do we need insurance? it’s a club activity, not charging for it, so we don’t need anything special
Fun run / newbie run as well? no, let’s keep that as a separate event
Oct 2-8: Trail Hero - Sand Hollow Utah - CJ
CJ, Jason, Chris are going, Colin will be in the area as well
Event promotes access for disabled veterans and special needs kids
100+ vendors
Oct 16: Fun run - Hollister Hills
Nov 12-14: Panamint Valley - Dishaan
Cal4Wheel event
Nov/Dec: Pismo Beach
Great time of year; need Reserve America spot
Dec 11 (tentative date): - Holiday toy run / Jeep parade - Joanna
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Long standing member who has been storing stuff for us is downsizing storage
Also donating 2 good EZups - need someone to store
Has food prep equipment
Cooking supplies, frying pans, paper plates, etc
5 big black Costco totes and a huge ice chest
Greg Y. can store next year after house remodel
Will have an email thread to find volunteers to spread things out and store things for now
Need to find homes for these things by November or so
ED4 Hero:
Magnus and Bruce for clinic
Ellen for all the behind the scenes (emails and treasury) for clinic
Tyler L. at Sierra Trek
Kelly volunteered
Collected $78
Andrew S. won
Motion to adjourn by Jason, Magnus seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Oct. 5, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Oct. 12, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, August 10th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Before the meeting ends, we need a new host for Rigs and Coffee August
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Prospective Question of the Month:
For the type of 4wheeling you do, which do you think is better, an automatic or stick shift?
Prospectives to vote on: Dishaan Ahuja and John Trollman voted in
Mike Phorn 22
Andy Cardenas 10
Vidas and Jessie Mickevicius 10
Greg Youree 8
Magnus Akerblom 6
Arline Abarr 5
Bill Hrea 4
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Do we want to make a donation for Sierra Trek?
Kelly R. makes a motion to donate a clinic spot (next May) for the raffle, Daryl and Greg second, motion passes
Jason Green motions to donate $200 cash for the raffle, Kelly seconds, motion passes
Dues: Ellen and/or Rick will reach out to people who haven’t paid, CJ will out them at the next meeting if they are still not paid
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Don’t know if we need Covid-19 signage, Magnus still has them if we need them
Will most likely require masks
Prerun - having problems with people not showing up, considering doing pre run and train the trainers on the Friday before clinic
Considering putting experienced people as trail leaders so we don’t need to put up trail markers, will save time in setting up and picking up
Sign up will go out in about a week
Mark your calendars, September 18 is the date
We have 5 places left depending on Hold-Overs
Kelly R. makes a motion to move the September General Meeting to Friday before clinic - Sept. 17
Concerns about people unable to show up early enough
Friday or Saturday? last clinic many more people were there Friday night
Concern that the meeting will not be accessible for people who don’t want or aren’t comfortable meeting in person?
Park has wifi so we can try a hybrid meeting
Probably most people who attend meetings show up to clinic anyway
Would like to do a raffle since we weren’t able to during Summer Campout, clinic is our remaining big event
Will see if we can sell raffle tickets online to people who can’t make it
Start at 7pm, plan for 1.5-2 hr meeting
Darrell seconds
Motion passes with 14 votes for, 0 against, and 4 abstentions
Our next General meeting will be on Sept. 17, 2021 at 7pm at Area 5 in Hollister Hills
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
Note from the Secretary: the Tamarack Fire near Markleeville grew at a rapid rate on the afternoon/evening of 7/16 prompting evacuation of the area that night
Surreal experience eating a hamburger while watching a 747 come over and drop fire retardant
Small puff of smoke around 3pm on the way back to camp became a huge dark plume of smoke after showering
No idea what was going on while on Deer Valley trail, driving toward it on the way out
Even when a sense of urgency hit, everyone stayed and helped to make sure everyone else was ready to go
8 rigs went over Ebbetts pass including trucks with trailers
Ham radios were incredibly important for communications
Takeaways from CJ
Should have had the satellite phone on while driving so someone at camp or elsewhere can reach the people on trail (and people should know the phone number). Phone was with the trail group so they could have called out in case of emergency, but it was not on so others were not able to call in to notify them about the fire emergency
More people should have mobile ham units instead of just handhelds for better range
Google form had all attendees’ name and phone number so someone could follow up and make sure everyone was ok and out of the area
Jason Green makes a motion to pay Ed for the money he’s out for food, amount is $250, Kelly R seconds, motion passes
Other than happenings out of our control, it was a great event
July 24th - Rigs & Coffee @8am - Bass Pro Shop - San Jose - Greg Youree
Aug 7-8 - 4WP Truckfest - San Mateo
not a lot of people in general
some people dropped by the booth and at least one person was invited to our meetings
Future Runs
Weekly - Saturday Night Cruise - Andrew S.
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Ellen will be working in the Bank with Sherry. Please visit.
Sept 4th - Adopt-a-Trail part deux - Dick/Kelly
Possibly Sept 5 as well
Finish up Mattley Ridge
Looking for additional chainsaw operators
Very generous anonymous donation of a brand new Stihl 32” bar chainsaw
Need at least 6 people
Sept 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Complete with club raffle and General meeting (see above)
Oct 4-8 - Trail Hero - CJ
Week long event in Sand Hollow, Utah
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Club chainsaw (donated)
Darrell and Jason Green make a motion to have club buy protective equipment (e.g. chaps, helmet, face shield, ear protection), a few gallons of fuel, a gallon of bar oil, and chain, not to exceed $500, Magnus seconds, vote passes
Ellen suggests Jason make a shopping wish list since he is one of our chainsaw experts
Ed mentions we should probably put something in the club’s budget for chainsaw operation and maintenance, noted for next budget cycle, the above motion is a one time spend to happen now
Should write up a Standard Operating Procedure - storage location, maintenance schedule, requirements for operating the chainsaw, etc.
Youtube channel
YouTube Channel created by Andrew S.
Trying to reach 100 subscribers so we can get a custom URL with our club name instead of a random string of letters, please subscribe if you haven’t already
Online presence group will discuss mode of operation for the channel
ED4 Hero:
Ed for not only organizing Summer Campout but making the difficult call to evacuate at the time he did
Ed’s wife for towing the trailer and helping him cook
Anonymous person for donating the chainsaw
CJ’s parents for welcoming people to their cabin and cooking for them
Everyone who wielded chainsaws for Adopt-a-Trail
Darrell volunteers Kelly R. to host a Rigs and Coffee, Kelly agrees and says it will probably be a weekday
Meeting adjourned at 8:27 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Sept. 7, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Sept. 17, 2021 at 7pm at Area 5 in Hollister Hills
General Meeting - Tuesday, July 13th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm
Archie has an aftermarket front Dana 44 diff cover he no longer needs
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Prospectives Question of the Month:
If you’re leading a trip, where would it be? If you can’t think of a specific place, what kind of trip would it be?
Kelly & Christine Swanson - 31 years
Ed & Toni Lorenzen - 16 years
Bruce Wilford - 2 years
Alex Florea - 1 year
CJ did a Zoom poll to ask if people received the July General Meeting email
If you did not get the email (and it’s not in your spam folder), please email CJ to let him know
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget is here: Budget2021-2022.pdf
Summer Campout
We’ve collected $1120 for summer campout. Everyone who signed up has paid.
Ed has paid $1500 to the campground already
Originally calculated as $80 per family based on initial interest, but not everyone is actually going, so the amount is now short
Vote on using Party Funds to reimburse Ed
$750 budgeted for Party Fund, would be taking $380 out for reimbursing Ed
No one opposed, many approve, vote passes
Some people still owe dues to ED4
16 people who paid last year have not yet paid this year. List will be going to Rick to follow up
One person still owes dues to Cal4Wheel
Web hosting renewed
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Things went smoothly, no breakdowns
Do have a few things to discuss separately
Will schedule a separate meeting and/or solicit individual feedback
Central District Membership Chair Mike from Cal4Wheel visited and gave us compliments
Ellen: 2 lane drive through registration worked very well, might just continue to do this in the future
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
June 11-13th - Adopt-a-trail (HWY 4) - Jason & Sherry
34+ people from ED4 and Granite Bandits
Many downed trees, huge downed trees, lots of hard work
Dinner was awesome, nice to have food ready at the end of a hard day of work - thanks Ed and Mike Cline
Cleared ~150 trees, some well over 4’, some that the club didn’t get to that must have been 6’ across at the bottom, worked on roughly 14mi of trail, job is not done
100+mph winds earlier in the year was what brought down so many trees
At one point there were so many downed trees it was hard to see where the trail is
Corral Hollow cleared on Friday (Granite Bandits’ Adopt-a-Trail)
Mattley Loop cleared on Saturday
Mattley Ridge was attacked from 2 directions on Saturday and not fully cleared, some supporting trails also not clear
What to do if trees are too big? Will try to ask Forest Service for some resources
CJ will send a Doodle poll to see who is available during what upcoming weekends for another run to do more work
June 26th Rigs & Coffee @ 8am - Stan’s Donuts! - Darrell
Lots of people, including a few who weren’t club members, some who have done something with the club once in the past
Big line for donuts
Form to sign up to host a future Rigs & Coffee
Doesn’t have to be Saturday morning. Can be weekdays or evenings. Pick a time that works for you
Future Runs
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
Ed is bring a big TV for movies at night
No campfires allowed in campground because of fire danger
Deer Valley trail is open
There has been an earthquake in the area, many aftershocks, dwindling down now, but we won’t know what the trails will be like
Bring a chainsaw if you have one just in case
Highways closed on Saturday because of cycling event
Doing a raffle, bring raffle item similar to Christmas gift exchange items
If wanting to do Deer Valley run and don’t meet vehicle requirements, contact Kelly R. for exceptions. There might also be right seats available - ask Kelly or CJ
July 24th @ 8am - Rigs & Coffee - Bass Pro Shop - San Jose - Greg Y.
August 7-8 - 4WheelParts Jeep and Truck Fest - Rick
Kind of short notice, let Rick know if you’re interested in helping so we can get a booth set up there
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Some people are going
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Eliminating backing down a hill because it takes a long time and people had to leave early because it was running long
Ellen says getting rid of this might not be a good idea because it can be something intimidating for new drivers and a good thing to get some experience with
Valid point to discuss, but moving the discussion off this meeting to keep to the agenda
Still not having food this September
Prerun and train the trainers will be one date, date has not been picked yet
Printing for goodie bag ends up being 8 pages if printing in color, so Magnus would like some help. If printing in black and white is ok, he can get it done at a pretty good price
Add hi-lift and winch training at end of day? Any volunteers to do that?
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Sherry gave report with lots of pictures to Forest Service about Adopt-a-Trail, explained why we didn’t finish Matley Ridge
Big thanks to Sherry, she has to deal with some archaic processes for this
New Business:
Call for a team to identify moving meetings back to in person
Need a volunteer to lead this, otherwise we will keep meeting on zoom
Monthly? Quarterly? Special event only?
Dinner/no dinner?
All up for figuring out
Cow Bell:
John T nominates the person who ran out of gas, but the person is a guest
Darrell nominates Chris Mains for stealing the club’s whiskey
CJ dropped off 3 whiskeys with Jason and Chris Mains to hand around camp after Adopt-a-Trail. Chris put them in his trailer and took them with him when he left Saturday morning, so the club did not have whiskey at camp Saturday evening.
With a landslide vote, Chris gets the cowbell this month
ED4 Hero:
Chris Masten nominates Ole for his chainsaw work on the big trees at Adopt-a-Trail
CJ adds the other chainsaw operators Jason Green and Rodney
Daryl nominates Ed for all the work he did for Summer Campout and Adopt-a-Trail
Belinda nominates Sherry for all her work contacting the Forest Service
Ron Frey says he misses everyone. Wheeling is a bit different where he lives now. Wanted to hop on and say hello.
Meeting adjourned at 8:08 pm
Next BOD Meeting: Aug 3, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: Aug 10, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, June 8th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
Greg Y. has a new addition to the family
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Sherry Stortroen - 31 years
Chris Mains - 11 years
Rick Montez - 9 years
Ryan Davis - 3 years
Prospective to vote on: Andrew Spyker
Voted in with many yes’s
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget is here: Budget2021-2022.pdf
Summer campout
$80 if you are camping with the club at Carson River Resort
Please pay through PayPal or mail check to Ellen
11 people have paid already
Club dues due by 6/30/2021
$30 for individuals, $50 for families
Please pay through PayPal or mail check to Ellen
Ellen will take cash in person if it’s in an envelope with your name on it
Still working on Safety Clinic profit and loss
Please send receipts by email to Ellen or let Ellen know
Need to vote
Safety Clinic has a budgeted donation of $750 to HHORA
Jason Green makes a motion to increase the donation to $1500. Magnus seconds
no one opposes
Ellen will write a check
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Things went smoothly, no breakdowns
Do have a few things to discuss separately
Will schedule a separate meeting and/or solicit individual feedback
Central District Membership Chair Mike from Cal4Wheel visited and gave us compliments
Ellen: 2 lane drive through registration worked very well, might just continue to do this in the future
Vice President (Victor Jorge [CJ sharing today]):
Past Runs
May 15th Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Many comments about how clinic went well and even club members learning new skills (i.e. how to get a driver’s attention while spotting)
A few potential areas of improvement were brought up
Friendly reminder by CJ that we have paying students camping before/after clinic and we should be professional even around the campfire
May 22nd - Rigs & Coffee Bass Pro San Jose parking lot - CJ
Good turnout - 11-13 rigs
Someone who attended clinic 10 years ago showed up
June 5th Fun Run at Hollister to invite students - Magnus
Future Runs
June 11-13th - Adopt-a-trail (HWY 4)
Sign up here:
Quite a few trees down, will have a lot of work, have at least 3 chainsaws/chainsaw operators
Getting moving at 10am Friday, 8:30am Saturday - HAM 146.430
Ed is cooking dinner on Saturday night - pulled pork, cole slaw, beans, etc. might also be ice cream
Sherry got a $250 grant from Cal4Wheel to pay for dinner
June 26th Rigs & Coffee @8am - Stan’s Donuts!
Another social hangout in the parking lot
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
Sign up here:
This is a much more detailed signup including runs, dinner, etc.
Check the difficulty ratings on the planned trail runs in the event agenda
Geocaching run
Use your GPS to find caches that people have hidden
A lot of the caches are down fire roads and might require a few hundred yards hike
A way of getting out and exploring an area
Please check and book your housing for that weekend ASAP if you are NOT planning to camp in the ED4 group camping area. It will be a busy weekend in the area with a big bike event.
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oktoberfest TBD - Kelly
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Oceano still a hot topic
Cal4Wheel is working on getting Resource Consultant position filled
Carnegie bills are still working their way through committees
New Business:
Rigs and Coffee
Anyone can host one - just pick a date, time, and place
Can be anywhere in the bay area
Would like to have at least one a month
Counts as a club run
Sign up here to host one
CJ won’t end this meeting until someone signs up
Email discussion thread about a new meeting location and not being on zoom
Concept of hybrid meetings
Form a committee to plan meeting in person again
Please step up if you are passionate about this
Rick and CJ kicking off online presence tiger team
Adding other avenues to make our presence known online
Meeting June 16 at 6:30pm
More details to come in an email
Cow Bell:
Ole reports that a course worker was giving directions to a trail lead during clinic and was too trusting that the trail lead would follow directions, thus getting his foot run over
It was hard to vote on this given that the person was not named
ED4 Hero:
Rick nominates Magnus and Bruce for all the work they’ve done for clinic
CJ seconds
Ellen nominates Sherry for showing up at 0-dark:30 to help with clinic registration and doing all the work for paperwork
Magnus seconds
Not going to vote on this this time, everyone nominated deserves recognition
CJ shared a quick video of a recovery he helped with on his way out of Hollister Hills
Greg Y. volunteers to plan a Rigs and Coffee in July
Motion to adjourn the meeting by new member Andrew, Greg Y. seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:09 pm
Next BOD Meeting: July 6, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: July 13, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, May 11th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
Old Business:
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Knowing what you know now about 4-wheeling, what advice would you give your younger self?
Archie & Belinda - 2 years
Jason - 29 years
Prospectives need to submit trip reports
Rick has swag, sent out an email of what he has if you want to buy something
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Budget was voted on by google form - passes with 18 yes’s
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Anyone who has one, please bring an EZ-up. The shade canopy over the picnic tables blew down
Want everyone to fill out CDC acknowledge form for covid, but we’re not going to be taking temperatures
We are going to wear masks
Camping update - 50 people (spaces)
Google Form sign up for members to get a count, and the rest of the spaces can go to students
On trail for clinic?... add the tracks to your Gaia!
Ellen is still handling dropouts and waitlist
Central district membership chair wants to visit and see how we run our clinic
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
Train the Trainers May 1st - Hollister
Thanks Ellen for recording GPS tracks
May 7-9th Summer Campout Pre-run/Scouting - Eddie & friends
Camping has been locked down at the resort
Ed did some pre-planning for the Barney Riley trail, and the group confirmed it works. CJ recorded the track
Future Runs
May 14-16th Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
June 5th Fun Run at Hollister to invite students to (Trail lead TBD)
June 11-12th (Confirmed date) Adopt-a-trail
Not much snow there anymore
A lot of trees down from the windstorms
Sherry will ask about camping and conditions when she gets in touch with the Forest Service
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
Co-trail-bosses needed
Agenda for the weekend
Signup form coming soon
Camping has been locked down at the resort. We have a total cost that will be divided among the people who attend. Plenty of space, big dirt lot. There is a steep hill and a hairpin on the road in, but club members with RVs should be able to get in.
If you don’t want to camp with the club, book your lodging ASAP. Busy weekend in that area
HWY Closure details:
Road Closures, Saturday 7/17
5:00 am – 7:00 am: Road closed to traffic from the Markleeville Courthouse to the junction of Highways 89 & 4
Monitor (Hwy 89), & Ebbetts Pass and the Pacific Grade to Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) will be closed to vehicular traffic starting at 5:00 am
Monitor Pass (Hwy 89) reopens to vehicular traffic at 12:00 pm
Ebbetts Pass/Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) reopens to vehicular traffic at 4:00 pm
Highway 89 from Woodfords to the Markleeville Courthouse will remain open. Please adhere to posted speed zones and early morning parking crews
Group Camping at the Carson River Resort
The Group Camp Area is a large area above the resort. Dry camp area with plenty of room for all. There are Porta Potties in this area. Restrooms are down in the main resort on the highway
PLANNED Trail Runs
Barney Riley Trail Pre-Run [Trail Boss: Ed]
This is NOT for the novice driver. This will be a fast pace “Getter Done” run. I am not wanting to do spotting. If you are a person that requires spotting on Intermediate trails this is NOT the run for you.
Easy Barney Riley Trail Run [Trail Boss: John Ruiz]
Hard Blue Lakes / Deer Valley Trail Run [Trail Boss: Kelly Radcliffe]
The Blue lakes Trail is NOT for Novice Drivers
Fun “Geocache Adventure” Trail Run [Trail Boss: Bill Herta]
Intermediate Barney Riley Trail Run [Trail Boss: CJ Arnesen]
Aug 12-15th Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
Some people from the club have already signed up
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Oktoberfest TBD
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
North district membership
Potentially 2 new clubs: Redding Jeep Club, Tahoe Jeepers
President’s report
Win-A-Jeep winner received his keys
Death Valley Experience - first time event, people enjoyed it
Had a meeting to try to get the lobbyists and natural resources consultant going again
Some work on improving the Cal4Wheel office
Treasury report
Seem to be doing fairly well in terms of budgeting despite events being cancelled
Donations have been higher
Win-A-Jeep raffle ticket price is changing to $20 per ticket
Convention is going to be in Visalia
Asking for write-ups on trails (Adopt-a-trail, favorites, etc.)
If someone from the club could take some pictures, Dennis can pass them along
Some work will be/has been done on Fordyce
Helping out some bypasses that have gotten ridiculously hard
Not touching the main trail
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Senator and assembly person both have bills trying to take the property away again
Governor has a 30 by 30 initiative (30% of state of CA protected by 2030), which could be fueling the bills (however Governor Newsom did veto the bill from last year)
Judge decided earlier this year that past environmental reports were not valid
Also fighting Oceano closure
New Business:
Working group to figure out what ED4’s online presence looks like
We have a great website
We have a Facebook group, how can we better utilize it?
Let CJ know if you would like to join the group
He will get this going after clinic
Would like to come up with a positive analog to the cowbell
We have lots of club members who step up that we should celebrate
Looking for a name and/or token for this award
ED4 hero?
little matchbox Jeep?
Club dues
$30 for single, $50 for family
Due June 30
Ellen will send PayPal link
Can also pay by Stripe if you need to, but they take an extra $5 fee
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Motion to adjourn by Dennis, Dick seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:19pm
Next BOD Meeting: June 1, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: June 8, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, April 13th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Dennis Holler - Delegate
CJ Arnesen called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm
Daryl has 4 BFG KM2 33x12.5R15 tires for cheap
Neale found a can of white gas that he will not be using (for old stoves or lamps)
Old Business:
Kelly - changes to bylaws that we voted on a few meetings ago are in, will get it up on the website
Membership (Rick Montez):
Question of the Month: Before going out on a trail run, what do you always check on your rig?
Anniversaries: Connie Wilson - 12 years
Prospectives need to submit trip reports
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money!
Preliminary budget has been emailed out
Need to keep a tight budget this year, donations will be down a little
Added item for renewing our domain names
Will vote on budget in May
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Have about 23 volunteers
Would like more volunteers, please respond to Bruce/Magnus’s email
People who arrive on Friday can help put up signage
Saturday morning will be parking/registration/inspection
Trail teams will primarily be the people doing inspection in the morning
Classroom - CJ & Jason
Saturday afternoon will need people on obstacles
Some cleanup after
Pre-run and train the trainers on May 1 - need to get there early
Bruce/Magnus will send out an email with details
Assignment sheet will be sent out this week
Our permit says we will be following the same covid protocols as the past 2 clinics
Club members and volunteers are allowed to camp Thurs/Fri/Sat night, students not yet
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
March 20th - Hollister Hills Fun Run - John, Kelly, etc
Future Runs
May 1st - Train the Trainers - Hollister
May 14-16th - Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
TBD dates for Adopt-a-trail (tentative June 11-12th?)
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
See notes below
Aug 12-15th - Sierra Trek - Cal 4 Wheel
September 17-19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
TBD Oktoberfest - Kelly
Summer Campout
Will send out google sheet with info and logistics
Google form being drafted for signup and attendee info
Please be aware that this will be the same weekend as the Death Ride (bicycle event), which will close some highways on Saturday
Will need to be on the Markleeville side of Hwy 89/4 before 5am on Saturday morning or arrive via Highway 88
Hotels will be booked up, check ASAP if not camping
Plenty of dry camping space at the upper level at the Carson River Resort (reserved for club), lower level RV spaces are already full
Road Closures, Day of Event:
5:00 am – 7:00 am: Road closed to traffic from the Markleeville Courthouse to the junction of Highways 89 & 4.
Monitor (Hwy 89), & Ebbetts Pass and the Pacific Grade to Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) will be closed to vehicular traffic starting at 5:00 am.
Monitor Pass (Hwy 89) reopens to vehicular traffic at 12:00 pm.
Ebbetts Pass/Lake Alpine (Hwy 4) reopens to vehicular traffic at 4:00 pm.
Highway 89 from Woodfords to the Markleeville Courthouse will remain open. Please adhere to posted speed zones and early morning parking crews.
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
Next meeting is April 22
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Bills to take away property at Carnegie in the works again
Judge ruled earlier in the year that the environmental impact report was not good :(
Parks got a new director, questioned about Oceano, no clear answer
OHV division absorbed into Parks, hard to track the money now
Peter Jones named as director of Prairie City
California State Parks Foundation - non government charity organization that supports state parks, don’t appear to support SVRAs even though SVRAs are part of State Parks
They currently have a photo contest
Ellen suggests everyone who has a photo of OHVs at Oceano post to the contest and say how great of a park it was and it’s now closed
New Business:
CJ kicking off a small committee to work on club’s online presence
See what we can do to be more relevant online
Already have a few people, let CJ know if you are also interested
Andrew, Dishaan, and David are in
Should the BOD meeting minutes be emailed out or just have a link?
Poll was very close
Executive decision was made to continue to send out BOD meeting minutes via email
Cow Bell:
Magnus nominated Ruiz family for cow bell for their Jeep falling off a jack at the Hollister fun run
The club voted to award them the cow bell
Hope/Shane nominated Kelly for taking the group up a muddy, slippery trail where the above happened
Motion to adjourn by Dick, Kelly seconds
Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm
Next BOD Meeting: May 4, 2021 at 7pm
Next General Meeting: May 11, 2021 at 7pm
General Meeting - Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm
The election was held and the following people were elected. It was very close! ;-)
CJ Arnesen - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
Joanna Chen - Secretary
Since the voting was done via the web. This means the club voted to change the bylaws to allow it
Cal 4 Wheel does not send out reminders about renewing your membership. You need to check yourself Sign In (
Membership (Rick Montez):
None this month
Question of the Month:
What would you drive if you could not drive your current make?
Trip Reports:
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join.
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We have money Yay!
Clinic is sold out
Greg Y. will look into having the club domain and Web site all under Square Space and all under ED4
Ellen hopes to have the Strip app for renews in May. You renew by check or Strip. With Wi-Fi at area 5 you can pay at the camp fire.
It looks like the Summer camp out will be HUUGGEEE
Ed needs help. You can help by signing up for one thing. Contact ED if you want to help.
For example:
Hold an Ice Cream Social
Hold a Whiskey tasting event
Set up a movie night
Lead a run (2 runs per day, easy & hard)
Organize lawn games
Organize spouse day at Holiday Inn Club
Help with one part a meal ( desert, appetizer)
Casino run to Carson Valley Inn
New Business (Kelly):
The Cal 4 Wheel Convention was held via zoom
Shery Retained her position
Membership dropped about 300 from last year
ED4 got 3 awards; Safety, Web Site and Conservation
The Jeep was won by a person in North Carolina
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
It is sold out. Only 8 double drivers. It will be the same as the fall covid clinic. No Bar-b-que
Area 5 is reserved. Not sure about camping
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
Feb 25th: A Thursday at Hollister for retired people. What can you say. If you are retired and can go on a Thursday, Life is Good.
Future Club Runs:
May 1st: Train the Trainers - Hollister
May 14-16th: Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
June 11-12th(?): Dates for Adopt-a-trail - Trail Boss(?)
July 15-18th: Summer Campout - Markleeville - Eddie and friends
September 17-19th: Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
TBD: Oktoberfest - Trail Boss(?)
CA4WDC Report:
Dennis See Dennis’s report
Land Use:
Sherry & Ole Pismo beach and Frank Reigns are still under attack
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Next BOD Meeting:
April 6th, 2021
Next General Meeting:
April 13th, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Club flag can be purchase at Forever Wave password is EDF17
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code: Check back later, code has expired]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Got time Check out Matt’s Off road recovery on YouTube
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
John’s eBay Seller page here
General Meeting - Tuesday, February 9th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
There will be an extra meeting this month for nominations for the next election
The meeting will be February 23rd. Want to run for office, Contact Kelly!
Cal 4 Wheel does not send out reminders about renewing your membership. You need to check yourself Sign In (
Cal 4 Wheel has the “Win a Jeep” going on. Due to less events they can use the extra funds. You can buy a shirt for to help them out
Membership (Rick Montez):
Joanna Chen 3yrs
Victor Jorge 3yrs
Ellen Layendecker 29yrs
Joe Morris 3yrs
Greg Ordonez 4yrs
Tom Vella 15yrs
Question of the Month:
Question of the Month: Most embarrassing story 4 Wheeling
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to become eligible to join the club
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
It was voted to increase the Cal 4 Wheel donation. $500 for general fund, $500 legal. Total donation to Cal 4 Wheel $2142
Ellen hopes to have the Strip app for renews in May
You renew by check or Strip. With Wi-Fi at area 5 you can pay at the camp fire
The owner of the Carson River Resort did a great job on last year’s Oktoberfest event. We will have an event there next year
Need volunteers to help out. Could be a big party with the Mad Hatters there also
With Snow on the ground most dirt roads in the forest are closed. Even if they are covered with snow
The Cal 4 wheel convention will be on the computer. This Saturday you can attend with Zoom. 12 noon to 9pm
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Registration will open this month
9 hold overs from previous clinics signed up. 37 people on waiting list
Area 5 is reserved. Not sure about camping
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
January 16th: Walker Ridge Run - Dennis
January 30th: MET snow run - Rick
Future Club Runs
Cal 4 Wheel Convention is still on. Feb 19-21 in Visalia
Train the Trainers May 1st - Hollister
May 14-16th: Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Dates for Adopt-a-trail? (June 11-12th?)
July 15-18th: Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
Co-bosses needed to make this run a huge success! Please consider signing-up and start planning
September 17-19th: Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Octoberfest: TBD
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
There will be 5 bylaws to vote on at next months meeting
Need to figure out how Dennis should vote at the convention. See In gear for what will be voted on
Results from Survey Monkey 15 people filled it out. 1 – No, 2-Yes, 3-No, 4-Yes, 5-Yes
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Pismo beach is still under attack
New Business (Kelly):
Reach out to Ellen to suggest donation recipients for next year's budget
Change to bylaws to make exceptions for online voting similar to Cal4 wheel
By-Laws do not specifically outline how we vote: (display of hands, Yay/Nay/ballot)
Proposed Change: Add to Voting, Article IV, Section 2 “Allow option for electronic voting via online poll, show of hands via videoconference, E-mail or Text message for all club business. To be recorded and tallied by the club secretary”
Officer Nomination Committee Appointment (Should have been done at January Meeting)
Nominations to take place at Special Meeting 2/23/21
Officer Elections to be held at next General Meeting 3/9/21
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Next BOD Meeting:
March 2nd, 2021
Next General Meeting:
March 9th, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
John’s eBay Seller page here
General Meeting - Tuesday, January 7th, 2021
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Rick has ED4 swage for sale Contact him if interested. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel has the “Win a Jeep “ going on. Due to less events they can use the extra funds
You can buy a shirt for to help them out Pismo Beach is open for day use only
Membership (Rick Montez):
Yifang Dai 4rs
Dennis Holler & Ava Moore 13yrs
Dick Orlando 4yrs
Loro Patterson 13yrs
John & Hope Ruiz 22yrs
Ole Stortroen 31yrs
Question of the Month:
What kind of advance off-roading training class would you like to
Lots of people want How to recover and how to winch.
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to become eligible to join the club
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
All bills have been paid
We will also use the Strip app for future payments
It has lower fees and no membership. By June you will be able to pay for your membership via Strip.
Insurance for the year has been paid for both clinics
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
The sign-up line has started. If you know someone, they can contact the club and get on the early list. Registration will open mid February
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
January 30th: MET snow run - Rick
Future Club Runs
May 14-16th: Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Dates for Adopt-a-trail? (June 11-12th?)
July 15-18th: Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
September 17-19th: Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Octoberfest: TBD
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
There will be 6 bylaws to vote on at next months meeting
The Cal 4 Wheel Convention is still on. Feb 19-21 in Visalia
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
Pismo beach is still under attack
New Business:
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Next BOD Meeting:
February 2nd, 2021
Next General Meeting:
February 9th, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
John’s eBay Seller page here
General Meeting - Tuesday, December 8th, 2020
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
Rick has ED4 swage for sale Contact him if interested. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel has the “Win a Jeep “ going on. Due to less events they can use the extra funds.
Pismo Beach is open for day use only
Hollister Hills is restricting the number of vehicles entering. It fills up before 10am
Winter Fun Fest is canceled
Membership (Rick Montez):
Steve Bartolomei 21 years
Sarah Parker 7 years
Jason Pugh 7 years
December question of the Month:
Where have you had exceptionally good service/repair to your rig?
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
No Christmas Party this year, since there is no Christmas party do we donate to a local charity? Usually we spend about $1200 on the party
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
No new news
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
November 21st Hollister Fun Run: Kelly and Rick, Magnus and Daryl
Dec 5th - Stuff the Bus Toy run!: Joanna Chen
Future Club Runs – Victor
Feb (2) MET snow run - Rick
May 14-16th Spring Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Dates for Adopt-a-trail? (June 11-12th?)
July 15-18th - Summer Campout - Markleevile - Eddie and friends
September 17-19th Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
Octoberfest TBD
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money. Check out the store
Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale
Contest between clubs to sell the most
There will be 4 Bylaw changes. More info to follow
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Next BOD Meeting:
January 5th, 2021
Next General Meeting:
January 12th, 2021
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
John’s eBay Seller page here
General Meeting - Tuesday, November 10th, 2020
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Rick has ED4 swage for sale Contact him if interested. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel has the “Win a Jeep “ going on. Due to less events they can use the extra funds.
Pismo Beach is open for day use only
Hollister Hills is restricting the number of vehicles entering. It fills up before 10am
Winter Fun Fest is canceled
Membership (Rick Montez):
Darrel Drummer 1 year
Chris & Patty Masten 9 years
Colin Naylor 1 year
Daryl Nelson 8 years
November question of the Month:
What is the last thing that broke on your vehicle?
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
The 45th Anniversary run has been postponed. It will happen next year. Funds from the Xmas party may be used for it
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
No new news
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs
October 21-25, Death Valley Run - Bruce and Vidas
Future Runs:
November 21st Hollister Fun Run. Be there at 8am to get in
December 5th Toys for Tots – Joanna
The Stuff the Bus will be held at the San Jose Historical Park. Check out the event details here
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money. Check out the store
Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale
Contest between clubs to sell the most
There will be 4 Bylaw changes. More info to follow
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Cow Bell:
No new nominations
Next BOD Meeting:
December 1st, 2020
Next General Meeting:
December 8th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
John’s eBay Seller page here
General Meeting - Tuesday, October 13th, 2020
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Rick will have ED4 swage for sale at the clinic. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel has a disaster fund to help members in bad times. You can make a tax deductible donation to them
Cal 4 Wheel has the “Win a Jeep “ going on. Due to less events they can use the extra funds
Need an Holiday gift idea for someone who has everything? Click here
Membership (Rick Montez):
CJ Arneson 12 years
Marleen & Gary Sheigren 11years
Peter & Vicki Danforth 8 years
Michael D’Agostino 3 years
Archie and Brenda Overton 1 year
Dagmar Brone 1 year
Scott Beley 1 year
October question of the Month:
Most scenic trail? Moab was the most chosen.
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
Clinic made $1300 after donating $1500 to HHORA
Only 2 students asked for the dinner money back
An extra $750 to HHORA was passed
$100 to fix the air station at the main gate was passed
$$ to buy a car to recover was passed. This is for the 45 th Anniversary
The owner of the Carson Valley Resort did a great job
Should we have an event there next year? Volunteer for a trail leader?
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
Clinic went well. No major issues. With a few small changes the tire placement will be held for everyone after lunch. Students liked doing it right off the bat.
Survey was great. No bad comments
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
September 12th – Clinic prerun & train the trainers
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
October 8-11 - Oktoberfest - Markleeville -Trail Leader Ed Lorenzen. There was a big thanks to Ed for outing this on. Event went great. Everyone had a good time
Future Runs:
Club website & Facebook page has been updated. Victor has been creating Events with all the info for upcoming runs. Lots of detailed info in both places thanks to Victor
October 26th – Death Valley See Vidas for details
If you have not responded to his email you are not on the list to go
November - 45th Anniversary Event - Hollister - Ellen and Rick
The park is a soft go right now. Waiting for a firm yes. ED4 needs to submit a covid plan. The Xmas diner money can be spent on food for the event. This will be a Recovery / winching event. Unsure about camping
December Toys for Tots - Joanna
Joanna The Stuff the Bus will be held at the San Jose Historical Park
No purchase of tickets are needed; as, we’ll be making the toy drop-off during the day prior to the evening events
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money. Check out the store Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale. Contest between clubs to sell the most. See the contest’s site. Put ED4 down to help club in contest
Next meeting is October 24th via Zoom
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Cow Bell:
Richard O. for driving off the trail while leading a group during the safety clinic
Next BOD Meeting:
November 3rd, 2020
Next General Meeting:
November 10th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
General Meeting - Tuesday, September 8th, 2020
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
Bring Cash to the Safety Clinic
Rick will have ED4 swage for sale at the clinic. T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Cal 4 Wheel will be the clinic. You will be able to buy their swag also
Cal 4 Wheel has a disaster fund to help members in bad times. You can make a tax deductible donation to them
Membership (Rick Montez):
Anniversaries: Kelly Radcliffe 3 years
September question of the Month:
Have you spent more or less on your rig? Most non married people did not
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen. This is how to get credit to join
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
The budget had $750 donation to HHORA. It was voted to increase this to $1500 Now also using Strip for payments
What is HHORA; HHORA is a cooperating nonprofit association designed to support Hollister Hills State Vehicular Recreation Area.
Clinic is sold out. Can still use help. Contact Bruce Wilford for a job assignment
Camping for members and volunteers only. Hollister is open for anyone camping. It is just area 5 that is restricted
You know someone that wants to sign up for the clinic have them send an email to Ellen to get a spot early
Forever Wave password is EDF17
Clinic (Bruce & Magnus):
You will have to cook for yourself
Going to try and run tire placement right after the classroom. There will be 4 Tire placement areas and all 4 groups will run it at once. Help is need for this
The pre-run will be this Saturday the 12th. Meet at 9AM at the big oak tree
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
July 18 – August 14-16 - Shaver Lake area run - Kelly Radcliffe The group was able to do Red Lake, Kaiser Pass, Mono Hot Springs and Bald Mountain
August 30 - September 7th - Ouray, CO, Rim Rock Trail, Red Mountain - Chris Masten No report since they were not back
Future Runs:
Club website & Facebook page has been updated. Victor has been creating Events with all the info for upcoming runs. Lots of detailed info in both places thanks to Victor
September 12th – Clinic prerun & train the trainers
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Bruce and Magnus
October 9th - Oktoberfest - Markleville Trail Leader Ed L
October 26th – Death Valley See Vidas for details
November - 45th Anniversary Event - Hollister - Ellen and Rick
December Toys for Tots - Joanna
CA4WDC Report (Dennis):
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money. Check out the store Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale. Contest between clubs to sell the most. See the contest’s site. Put ED4 down to help club in contest
Next meeting is October 24th via Zoom
Land Use (Sherry & Ole):
New Business:
Cow Bell:
Richard O. for driving off the trail while leading a group during the safety clinic
Next BOD Meeting:
October 6th, 2020
Next General Meeting:
October 13th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Wheelin, Wine & Whisky Podcast for interview on Element Fire Extinguishers check it out here [For 10% off and free shipping use code WWW10]
Another good podcast if you have time with Snail-trail-4x4
Mike and Max Off-road podcast here
To contact your California State assembly folks Click Here
This is a great map to find out who your state assembly person and who your state senator is...
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
Fire permit is required and can be attained here
Be sure to check out CJ’s web site
General Meeting - Tuesday, August 12, 2020
Location: Online Zoom — 7PM
Kelly Radcliffe - President
Victor Jorge - Vice President
Ellen Layendecker - Treasurer
Rick Montez - Membership
John Ruiz - Secretary
Kelly Radcliffe called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.
No 50-50 raffle at member meeting
Membership has the following for sale:
T-Shirts and Sweatshirts $25, Stickers small $3, Large $9. Patches also
Clinic survey results were posted by Ellen. See email
Ellen now has electronic certificates to send to the students
If you know someone that wants to sign up for the clinic have them send an email to Ellen to get a spot early
Membership (Rick Montez):
Arline Abarr 4yrs
Magnus Akerblom 5yrs
Bob Bragg 9yrs
Andy Cardenas 9yrs
William Hreha 3yrs
Detlef & Ursula 5yrs
Vidas & Jessie Mickevicius 9yrs
Michael Phorn 21yrs
Greg Youree 8yrs
August question of the Month:
When was the first time you got stuck?
Prospect members need to submit a trip report to for each event they attend. It can be a short report of where they went and what happen
Treasurer (Ellen Layendecker):
Club finances are as follows:
We got money!
Note: If you have receipts from the clinic turn them in now
Clinic (Dennis and Rick):
A big thank you to Rick and Dennis for running the clinic for the past few years
Going to try and run tire placement right after the classroom. There will be 4 TP areas and all 4 groups will run it at once
When registration opens it will be almost sold out with hold overs. If someone wants to sign up they must do it right when reg. opens up
Instead of Kelly giving a speech at the end of the day, He will give it after the classroom
Have a soft ending to the day. Photo ops, ask how it went, any interest in joining the club. Formal goodbye
Fall Safety Clinic is only 1 & 1/2 months away
Vice President (Victor Jorge):
Past Runs:
July 11th — Safety Clinic Pre-Run
July 18th - Safety Clinic - Rick, Dennis, Magnus
When all the extra hoops to jump thru it went very well. It looks like we will be able to streamline and improve the future clinics
Future Runs:
August 14-16th Looking Good - Shaver Lake area run - Kelly Radcliffe
August 30 - September 7th - Ouray, CO + Rim Rock Trail - Chris Masten
September 12th – Clinic prerun & train the trainers
September 19th - Fall Safety Clinic - Dennis and Magnus
October 9th - Oktoberfest - Markleeville - Ed Lorenzen
October 26th – Death Valley See Vidas & Bruce for details
November - 45th Anniversary Event - Hollister - Ellen and Rick
December Toys for Tots - Joanna
CA4WDC Report: Dennis
With all the canceled events Cal 4 Wheel is short money
Check out the store Tickets for the raffle Jeep are for sale
Contest between clubs to sell the most. See Put ED4 down to help club in contest
Next meeting is October 24th via Zoom
Land Use: Sherry & Ole
New Business: 50/50:
Cow Bell:
Richard O. for driving off the trail while leading a group during the safety clinic
Next BOD Meeting:
September 1st, 2020
Next General Meeting:
September 8th, 2020
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.