This clinic was a huge success, Linda (wife) did the driving. She did an excellent job as expected. Our daughters had fun too. I enjoyed running around taking pictures. It turned out that it was a good thing that I was on hand to help a new Ford Explorer and Landrover Discovery get through because they had very little ground clearance. The dinner was great. I understand that Amy, Ole, and Jason were responsible for the terrific meal. I hope to be corrected if I left anybody out.
Most of the regulars were there, Jim H., Steve B., Tino?, Chris, Bill F, Dede, Mike G., Amy, Jason, Doug, Darell, Kathy, Ellen, Jay, Joe, Dirk, Phil, John, Sherry, Ole, Jim O. Monica O. and Kelly are the ones I can recall.
On Sunday morning we had a nice little ride to the top of Fremontia and into the Quarry. When we got back the Hummer group gave us lunch. They were very nice. Jim O’Leary gave them a bottle of wine to say thanks.