Another great outing. No such thing as a bad dayof 'wheeling. Along were Ellen, Brian Ryder, Jim H., Jim O. and Monica, my dad Wayne and me. The day started out with play at the old O course the new O course and the ravine for a warm up. Jim H. made his usual bid for the cowbell at the ravine (we should just give him a lifetime cowbell award). All it took was a small tug from Brian R. to get Jim out.
We got serious about trails from there and took Fremantia and White Rock to the top of Hector Heights. Everyone did great on the steep climb up loose rocks on White Rock.
We set up camp for a real redneck picknick at the lookout. Rolled right into the middle of the other day users already there and pitched a tarp for shade. Home sweet home.
We needed at least one more trial after lunch before calling it a day. I was able to talk everone into tackling the Jungle Trail. The drive up the trail went well without any zealouts trying to take out the walls or trees along the way. Jim and Monica made a beeline for the Sycamore camp to wash off the poison oak that attacked them through their open doors.
We wrapped up the day and said our fairwells with some of the group headed to one of the local wineries for a follow on. Just wanted to say thanks to a great group of 'wheelers who came out to enjoy the day.
Brian McMinn.