Slick Rock

Here is highlight of Saturday’s run Saturday we (John R, CJ, Dennis and his son, Greg Q., Brian and his family) decided to run the Slick Rock trail from Utica to Alpine. The water crossing right after the stair steeps was high. It was around 30” deep but not moving fast. Everyone made it thru fine but Greg’s Jeep made some strange noises. 10 minutes later as we were getting ready to go up the Slick rock section Greg’s Jeep over heated. All the fan blades on his only fan had broke off.

As everyone was figuring out what to do I remember I run 2 extra electric fans. We spent the next hour pulling one fan off my Jeep. Then we took Greg’s fan out of his Jeep. We were then able to combine parts from both fans to something that would install in Greg’s Jeep.

Greg was able to drive his Jeep out his no major issues. I think he made it home.

It was one of those time where everything came together. I had an extra fan. CJ had snips to cut the mount up. Brian had the torx sockets. Dennis and his son gave muscle and support.