Hello All,I hooked up with Brain and we left on Thursday to head to his father’s house in Pollock Pines, CA. We sat in a lot of traffic, but that was OK, as we knew what fun was ahead of us. We got to Pp around 830-9pm and relaxed a bit with his family. We got up early Friday and Brian, myself, his brother and his father all caravaned to a close by campground to pick up his father’s travel trailer…our home for the next three days. We traveled across Emigrant Trail and headed out to CA88. I will be back to that area on my motorcycle to ride some of those roads! After getting to the campground, we set up the trailer and got everything situated. Excellent place to have an event like this.
Congratulations to Brian for some great research and thank you for doing this for us. Brian and I set out on a short pre-ride of the trail we would be taking on Saturday. We both agreed that the trail was perfect for the type of wheeling for the group. I forgot to mention, that group grew to 16 vehicles by Satruday morning. I’m not even going to try to mention everyone’s names, as i know I wouldn’t remember all of them. Saturday morning we had a short safety meeting and off we were. we aired down, removed sway bars, etc. etc and the trail was waiting for us. The trail was just challenging enough for each type of vehicle we had. There were some stucks and everyone jumped in to help.
What a great group of people ED4 is and just one of the reasons I am a fan of offroading. All in all, the offroading went well and I think everyone would agree that this location works well for everything that the group needed. They have fuel ($5/gal!), a bar, restaurant, air, water, showers, cabins, excellent steaks (LOL) and more. The scenery was amazing. Thanks to everyone for a great trip. Thanks especially to Brian and his family for letting me stay with them. Til next time, Ron