
Wow! Lots of detailed trip reports being submitted. I had a great time too.

I met up with Jim/Cherokee, Ellen(+Mike)/YJ, CJ/CJ7, Pete/TJ & Ron(?)/ Yellow Unlimited at Coyote Golf Course exit. I don’t know my way around Hollister Hills yet, so I really like that we can meet up near the Golf Course. Ok, I admit it.. I like the part about convoying down the 101 also. 8-)

Others joined us inside HH. I always enjoy looking at the different vehicles, seeing how things are set up and gathering/comparing data.

Jim did a nice job of laying out the items to be used and going over the day’s objectives. Once aired down, things got rolling and then some things got stuck! Eureka!

I’m still learning about proper tire placement and haven’t really piled any rocks myself. So I was hanging out where Ellen was directing & performing unstucks! Using Jim’s solutions sure does look easier & safer than moving rocks around.

So many great details, photos & videos were submitted in the different trip reports! I think I’ve reread and viewed them numerous times all this week!

I’ll close by saying that I really thought Jim’s Stuckathon was a success, and I hope to see the event repeated in the future!

Oh and Ellen,,, was that a Porche Boxster you caught up with on the windy road to 156 on the way out? 8-)

Great fun! Thanks Jim & attendees! Connie