Hi All On November 12th we left our house at 11:00 am. There was the three of us, me, myself and I. ( That makes it an official run, right?) We went and picked up another worker, my grandson Jaden, who is 3. We headed off to the Second Harvest Food Bank. Jaden said that it was a long trip to get there.
When we arrived, were asked to come into the conference room where they counted the money donation. ED4 donated $198.17 to the food bank. After that we moved the car to the food drop off zone. Jaden helped unload the food. Jaden said, “there is tons of food”. We then went inside of the building where the food is stored for needy. The people there weighed the food and the amount was 180 lbs.
We all can be very proud of our participation with this event. Thank you again for all of the donations to this needed project.
The workers were very excited to see what we had brought in. Jaden helped me last year and again he is learning all about being helpful and giving.
Kathy Kroeker and the others