Boys Battalion
Boys Battalion Weekend at Hollister Hills April 30 & May 1st. First off I would like to say thank you to Sherry for making this weekend happen!
I arrived to Area 5 right at 2:00 in the afternoon and found Ole kicked back at his motor home soaking up the sun in his chair Reading a 4wd magazine. You donGÇÖt mind missing work on a day like this!
Saturday morning three carloads of men and boys from the Boys Battalion group from Modesto & Concord arrived. Close to 9:00 the club members started lining up their rigs. After a short meeting with the park ranger we hard a lottery of sort. Each driver willing to take a passenger drew a numbered poker chip. The Battalion member with the matching number just met his driver. We hit the trail at about 10:30 and drove up to Sycamore Camp for our first trash pick up zone. Everyone jump out of their rigs with plastic bags in hand. Within 15 minutes we figured out there was not that much trash to pick up. After splitting into several smaller groups we went to different areas to pick up trash. I did not know trash was that hard to find! We all met at the picnic area next to the obstacle course for lunch. After lunch Jason and Ira each lead a group for a trail run. I think I need to say thanks to Jas! ! on for the tug he gave me at the top hill that I could not crest. Jason was back at work again with 20 minutes to give another Blazer a tug. This time it was Steve stuck in big blue. After Jason pulled Steve out of his predicament Darrel led me back down to camp to get the BBQ started.
Our evening started with a potluck dinner with the club members providing a side dish and the boy Battalion group cooking up the chicken in 55-gallon drums. By the way I forgot to mention that Mike and Ellen did a good job tiring the boys out before dinner with a game of ultimate frisbee. Flashlight Jim put on a great flashlight demonstration. At the conclusion Jim passed out glow stick and flashlights to the Battalion members.
Sunday morning after a small church service led by Buz everyone gathered around the BBQ pit to see if it was true that you can cook beacon & eggs in a brown paper bag. Dennis Thompson of the Battalion group gave the instruction on how to cook your breakfast and most all the club members gave it a try. It was well worth the price of admission to watch this! Everybody had great time cooking breakfast and found out YES you can cook beacon & eggs in a bag. After breakfast we gathered for one last trail run led by Ira.
Every member of the Battalion group had a fantastic time with you and left with some lasting memories. Thank You!