Sherry Stortroen: Report
Vidas Mickevicius: Photos
Date: July 13-14, 2024
We had 12 hard working volunteers as follows:
Kelly Radicliff, John Ruiz, Shane Ruiz, Magnus Akerbloom, Jeffrey Pipkins, Dishaan Ahuja, Vidas Mickevicius, John Trollman, Chris Mains, Ruslan Meshenberg, Rebecca Meshenberg, Rodney "Latte Machine" Muller.
Saturday, July 13, Volunteers cleared 15 downed trees.
Sunday, July 14, cleared 24 downed trees.
(This should bring our club's Adopt-a-trails total to 140 downed trees cleared off the trails for this weekend and previous weekend June 7 & 8, 2024.)
Trails cleared: Corral Hollow 07N11 to 17EV485, Mattley Loop 7N57 to 16EV192; Mattley Meadow 16EV16 to 7N16 and Mattley Ridge 7N72 to 7N69 to 7N84Y.
Mattley Loop was a little difficult to follow as trail hadn't had a lot of use in previous years and parts of it are rated difficult.
Volunteers are happy to say that these trails are officially open.
Big "Thank you" goes to the Forest Service for reserving campsites for our volunteers at Black Springs campgrounds at no fee. Very much appreciated.