Hollister Hills Roadside Clean up - April 2011

Thank you to everyone who stepped up to join us for the roadside clean up at Hollister Hills this weekend. It was a glorious weekend and we had a strong turn out.

The HHORA meeting went until just before noon and when it let out, the ED4 crew had gathered. There was a slight mix-up with the park staff in that they had apparently just cleaned the roadside the day before. So we reduced the number of road side crew and send ten of the 16 folks into the upper ranch to do some trail clean-up. Josh, Greg, Mike, Tom, Ole and myself attacked the road. Even with them just having cleaned the roadside we still collected 5-6 bags of trash.

BTW, in my estimation the number one item picked up was beer cans/bottles with the second category of fast food wrappers.

After 2 hours we met up back at the HHORA training building and piled up our junk. Great photo opp for the crew. We had bags of garbage, tires, signs and other crap. We ended the day with a legislative update from Jeff on Clear Creek and the offroad trust fund situation.

I appreciate that ED4 stepped up to help out with this clean up. It was great to see such an out pouring of support both from new members and old timers. Multiple drivers shouted out their thanks as they drove past. With all of the battles around offroad access it is important that the offroad community put their best foot forward. Opportunities like this clean-up day help keep us in good standing with the local community.

Thank you to everyone who came out.


David Grubman, Trail Boss Brian McMinn Rick Montez Greg Quintana Joshua Farnsworth Daryl Nelson Micheal Sickels Brian Ryder Connie Wison Tom Vella Ellen Layendecker John Ruiz Michael Cline Loro Paterson Richard Beard Howard Knutson Ole Stortroen Jason Green Jim O’Leary

Mini-trip report for Hollister Hills trip

Mini trip report. I loaded up the trailer last night and headed down to the park this morning for the HHORA meeting and to connect up with Andy.  After I loaded up the trailer I noticed that for some reason one of the trailer tires was rubbing in the fender. So I removed the fender.

Meeting was exceptionally boring and lasted over two hours. By the time I made it into the park, I was not able to find Andy. I tooled around for a couple of hours and packed it up to go home. I LOVE the new setup. It is nice to have a front locker. Park was crowded.

On the way home I got pulled over for speeding. ... then he saw no plates on the trailer...

The officer intended to impound the trailer with the Jeep on it. After I unhooked the trailer and pulled all my tools out of the back of the Jeep the officer realized that they could not put the trailer and the Jeep on a police wrecker and he just gave me the stations and let me take the trailer/Jeep home.

My wife is working on getting plates for the trailer and I picked a nice spot on the trailer for my new cow bell.