4 Wheel Parts Meet n' Greet
4 Wheel Parts Meet n’ Greet. Oct. 10, 2009 Thanks to all who made it out to 4 Wheel Parts on short notice. We had 7 members/prospective members in attendance. Those that made it out were, Loro, Connie, Gary S., C.J., Jim O., John R. & family, and myself.
Dusy and I arrived at 10:00 am. We were greeted by Loro, Sierra, and Alpine. We arrived with the parking lot full of rigs and several participates socializing in the parking lot. It is always a pleasure spending time talking to others about ED4 and our hobby.
Four Wheel parts provided lunch for us with one of their great taco feeds. Soon it was time for the raffle. Several ED4 members came away with prizes. The Ruiz’ family won a tow strap, and several of us won t-shirts. In some cases (Loro and Connie) won two t-shirts each. As promised, Carlos, had a drawing just for ED4 members. The prize was a $100 gift card. Congratulations to Jim O’Leary who won it.
Thanks again to all who made it out to the 4 Wheel Parts Meet n’ Greet.